Chapter 5:
- This chapter introduces ArcPy and geoprocessing using Python
- I began with setting up my workspace which I had done before for GIS 191
- The textbook also mentioned detailed changes to the environment like the env size, XY tolerance, etc.
- The chapter mentioned that the key to getting the tool to run right is to get the parameters right.
- Usually, they are just: input datasets, tool features, and output datasets
- Optional parameters are enclosed in {}
- I ran the Clip feature using the syntax instructions given in the textbook.
Chapter 6:
- This chapter was all about exploring spatial data
- This chapter introduced some new functions in ArcPy, and also how to perform batch processing more efficiently.
- ArcPy has list functions that include: ListFields(), ListIndexes, ListDatasets(), ListWorkspaces(), and ListVersions()
- I also noticed that some of the function names had been changed in ArcGIS Pro when compared to the textbook.\
- The chapter also mentioned some built-in functions for lists that were mentioned in Chapter 4 before like len(returns the length of the list), sort(sorts the list), etc.