
Revised 10/31/2024

Spring Semester 2024: Module 2: 10/14/2024 – 12/6/2024

This course has a flexible format that fits your schedule, but you must keep up with your work in the class.

Time commitment: I’ve found that most students can finish the work for this course in around 4-6 hours per week. Remember, we don’t have regular class meetings (normally 3 hours a week) so you should have plenty of time to finish the work in the typical 3 hours of lecture + 6 or so hours of homework typically expected of courses. 

Meetings: Make an appointment here

For Fall ’24, we are not having any official group meetings. Please make an appointment with me during the first and second weeks of the semester (appointment calendar here). If you are on track and keeping up, I’ll waive the meeting requirement after that. Anything that comes up can be handled in person (by chance or appointment here) or by email. Some students choose to work on the class in the GIS Lab (207 SCSC) set weekly hours to stay on top of work. 

If you get behind: Contact me and come in specific hours until you are caught up.

I’m typically around (206 or 207 SCSC) M through F, 9:15 am to 2 pm.

If you have a problem after hours or on the weekend, please email me and we can try to sort it by email or phone Facetime, or Zoom. 

I’ll provide you with OWU card access to the Science Center (24-7) and a code for access to 207 SCSC (outside of normal hours, 7am to 7pm, M-F). 

GEOG 292 can all be done on a computer with internet and a browser. 

Tutorials and Problem Solving and Assignments and Software

If you run into a problem you can’t solve (the tutorial does not always match up with the software perfectly), back up, carefully check that you did not make any mistakes, and try again. If it still does not work, note the problem and move on to the next section.

I can also troubleshoot in person, ask someone else in the class, or email me.

Please complete the work for each week by the Friday of that week. 

Software 1: This blog (WordPress): You will receive an email to get access to posting on the site. Due to security restrictions, you must post from a hardwired campus computer (like those in 207) or BishopNet (not BishopGuest) on the wireless.  If you need access to BishopNet: While on campus go to and register your device.

Please type up approximately 300 words for each week’s assignment with appropriate screenshots so I know you are doing the work.

Post the requested work to this blog and email your instructor.

Software 2: ArcGIS Online. After a bit of chaos with these accounts (an attempt to have an OWU Single Sign-In), we are returning to the old way of signing in: you all should have a new account or one with a rest password.

Sign in here and only here:

Software 3: ArcGIS Pro. Installed on GIS Lab (207 SCSC) computers. I don’t think you will need to use this but who knows?

The final project, an app or two based on Delaware Data or your own data, should be posted to this blog.

Week 1 (Week 9 of semester): Introduction to Course, Due Friday, October 18

Assign: Review course blog (syllabus & schedule) and create a blog posting on the class blog: please give the posting this title: <Your Name> Week 1. Introduce yourself and indicate you did the stuff for this week.

Please schedule an appointment here with me for the first and 2nd weeks.

Text: Getting to Know Web GIS (2022, 5th edition) – aka GTKWGIS – or copies available in GIS lab (top map drawer near room door). Do not remove books from the room.

You need access to an OWU ArcGIS Online account. See above.

If you did the following in a previous course, indicate so in your Week 1 posting.

Spend a few minutes poking around your account, including the icon in the upper-right corner, which takes you to your profile. Add your basic information to My Profile. Also, look at My Settings, My ESRI, Training, Community and Forums, ArcGIS Blog, and Help. Jot down two comments about what you find (for the blog entry for this Lab).

Use some ESRI resources to learn a bit about ArcGIS Online. Complete a read-through of Get Started: What Is ArcGIS Online. This should take about 30 minutes. Read through the different sections of this web page (stacked along the left of the page) and jot down two comments about what you find (for the blog entry for this Lab).

You also have access to ESRI courses online. Some are free, some cost $$$. Anything that says “Maintenance Required” is free to OWU students. Stuff with a $$ cost is available at a signficiant discount (talk to Krygier). Complete a free course that introduces you to ArcGIS Online.

  • click on the icon in the upper left of your ArcGIS Online account and select Training
  • select Web Course: ArcGIS Online Basics
    • this should take about 2 hours but probably less
    • if you already completed this course, find another!
  • jot down two comments about what you find.
  • save a screenshot (or a few) of the screen showing you completed the activities in the four main sections of this course, and include it in your blog entry for this Lab.

Taking advantage of ESRI online training: You can access a significant amount of training material via the Training link in your account. Look over the available courses and list one or two that seem of interest. If there is a fee, remember that we may be able to use OWU’s Small Grants Program or Department of ENVS funds to cover these costs. It is possible to get various certifications by taking collections of these courses. Please talk to Krygier or Rowley if you have questions. 

  • Use Google and Google Scholar to look into a few GIS application areas: search for “ArcOnline” and different keywords, based on your personal interest: cat telemetry, queer online mapping, blind dung beetles, antifa, cop killings, stamp collectors, crowdsourcing, etc.). Include, in the blog posting, information on two applications with at least one map or image and a source or two.
Week 2 (Week 10 of semester): ArcGIS Online I (Due Friday, October 25)

Assign: Read and complete GTKWGIS Chapters 1 & 2. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these readings. This is: <Your Name> Week 2

    • Include a few-sentence description of an application based on ideas from Chapters 1 & 2, using your own data or the Delaware Data (from Geog 291). This edition of the tutorial includes ideas under “Assignment” (p. 35 in the 5th edition of the tutorial).
Week 3 (Week 11 of semester): ArcGIS Online II (Due Friday, Nov. 1)

Assign: Read and complete GTKWGIS Chapters 3 & 4 ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these readings. This is: <Your Name> Week 3

  • Include a few-sentence description of an application based on ideas from Chapters 3 & 4, using your own data or the Delaware Data (from Geog 291). This edition of the tutorial includes ideas under “Assignment” (p. 35 in the 5th edition of the tutorial).

Assign: Complete the Delaware Data Inventory (if you did not already do so in Geog 291)

Assign: Select one of your four ideas (Chapters 1-4) and create it. This is not due until the final week, but start on it and complete it before you forget the stuff in these first four chapters!

Bonus Project Option: Terry Hermson is heading up a project focused on mapping and developing native pollinator spaces in Delaware Co. It would be great if students in this class could help develop ArcGIS Online apps for that effort. I will contact you with more information.

Week 4 (Week 12 of semester): ArcGIS Online II (Due Friday, Nov. 8)

Assign: Read and complete (skip Chapter 5!) GTKWGIS Chapter 6: Spatiotemporal Data and Real-Time GIS: Tile layers and on-premises Web GIS. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these readings. This is: <Your Name> Week 4

  • Include a few-sentence description of an application based on ideas from Chapters 5 & 6, using your own data or the Delaware Data (from Geog 291). This edition of the tutorial includes ideas under “Assignment” (p. 35 in the 5th edition of the tutorial).
Week 5 (Week 13 of semester): ArcGIS Online IV (Due Friday, Nov. 15)

Assign: Read and complete GTKWGIS Chapter 7. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these readings. This is: <Your Name> Week 5

  • Include a few-sentence description of an application based on ideas from Chapter 7, using your own data or the Delaware Data (from Geog 291). This edition of the tutorial includes ideas under “Assignment” (p. 35 in the 5th edition of the tutorial).

Assign: Select one of your four ideas (Chapters 5-7) and create it. This is due the final week.

Week 6 (Week 14 of semester): ArcGIS Online Apps (Due Friday, Nov. 22)

Catchup & Work on the Apps, assigned Week 3 and 5, due last week.

Week 7 (Week 15 of semester): Thanksgiving

You may dream of online GIS but nothing else

Week 8 (Week 16 of semester): ArcGIS Online Apps (Due Friday, Dec. 6)

Two Apps due Friday, Dec. 6 in a descriptive posting to the blog.