Chapter 6
It was interesting learning about all the aspects of spatialtemporal data and what it can be used for. It’s very multiversital, including things like live feeds of moving objects, perimeters and changes, and live pictures and videos from cameras, for example. There’s so much that involves this type of data that it’s hard to keep track of!
There are so many different offshoots/products of ArcGIS that I’m unsure how to remember them all. ArcGISVelocity, ArcGISGeoEvent Server, ArcGIS Arcade, and ArcGIS Mission, from this chapter alone aren’t too distinguishing right away and I feel like I’ll have to go back in chapters or google which one means what in the future.
I think the use of real time data is really important for agencies like emergency response, environmental agencies, companies gathering information and feedback, you name it. It’s interesting that you can do it through GIS.
An app idea for this chapter would be using ArcGISVelocity and creating a big data analytic item. The book describes that item as allowing “users to access and analyze big data repositories of historical observations. Big data analytics are typically used for summarizing observations, performing pattern analysis, and incident detection. Big data analytics can be configured to run once or scheduled to run on a recurring basis.” To me, looking at and analyzing something big such as natural disasters are really interesting and important. I would create an app that includes data on tornados that hit Ohio, and since it can run on a recurring basis, it would get automatically updated. I wonder if there’s a way to separate out the data to only include higher level tornados to see where and when they hit. I might do this for part of the final.