Brokaw week 5

Chapter 7 was about building a 3D web scene.

Using Scan Viewer we are making architecture, construction and urban planning easier to visualize.Ā 

Photorealistic – recreating reality using photos they use photos for these scenes because they are very good at showing texture and objects like a city.

Cartographic – makes a 2D thematic mapping into 3D. Using attribute symbols to show physical, abstract, or invisible features like population density, flight paths, solar impact, and zoning laws.Ā 

They main elements in scenes:

  • Surfaces are continuous measurements of elevation with only one value for a location. Often referred to as digital modelsĀ  DEM(elevation), DTM(terrain), DSM(surface).Ā 
  • Features can be 2D or 3D and are live on, above, or below surfaces. Operational layers of 3D maps.
  • Textures are the exterior or interior 3D features. They use aerial imagery or cartographic symbols.Ā 
  • Atmospheric effects are like fog and lightning.Ā 

Adjei Week 5

Reading notes:


  • Introduction to 3D mapping within GIS through web scenes, emphasizing the importance of scene layers like photorealistic and cartographic types.
    • In-depth exploration of various scene layers such as 3D object scene layers, building scene layers, integrated mesh scene layers, point cloud scene layers, point scene layers, and voxel scene layers.
  • Broader applications of 3D GIS are explored, spanning urban planning, architecture, engineering, construction (AEC), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), extended reality (XR), and the emerging metaverse concept.
  • Significance of indoor 3D GIS highlighted, with ArcGIS Indoors serving as a solution for smart building management, providing wayfinding for people, assets, and specific rooms.


In my application, I would use spatial analysis to identify economic disparities across different regions within a state based on its gdp data. Using techniques such as integrated mesh scenes to pinpoint areas with economic growth or those with economic challenges.

Brokaw week 4

Chapter 6: Spatiotemporal data and real-time GIS

Real-time GIS BasicsĀ 

  • Moving – airplanes, trains, cars. (anything that moves)
  • Discrete – earthquakes, criminal incidents. (things that ā€˜just happenā€)
  • Stationary – weather station measurements, water levels at stream gauges, traffic speed, live video footage. (stands still but values change)
  • Change – perimeter of wildfires, flooded areas, urban sprawl. (change of growth)

IoT is a network of all physical objects with sensors embedded that will allow them to exchange data. An example would be smart cars and how they use IoT to connect with the geospatial cloud to find the best travel distance route and stay within traffic speeds.Ā 

ArcGIS Velocity has new features like feed times that let users receive sensor inputs, real-time analytic items like processing and trigger alerts, and big data analytic items like historical observations.Ā 

An application based on chapter 6 I would create is to find a map of OWU and create a layer with different events happening around campus for the week of November 13th – 17th. I would create a changing map to see how many students go to these events. Using spatiotemporal data I will collect this by using observational sensors. The duration of time will be stored in two fields for the start time of the event and the ending time.Ā 


Rose- Week 3

Chapter 3 Notes:

  • ArcGIS Experience Builder provides more functions, larger variety of user interfaces, allows more flexible configuration of functions and user interface, and is customizable and extensible.
  • Basics of ArcGIS Experience Builder
    • Web client for ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS EnterpriseĀ 
    • Provides configurable widgets and themes
    • Creates pure HTML and JavaScript apps without coding
    • Provides framework for developers to create custom widgets and themes
  • Provides many widgets that can be flexibly combined and configured to create web apps
  • A web experience contain at least on page and can have multiple pages or windows
  • Experience Builder provides two types of actions to widgets
    • Message actions listen to triggers and perform actions automatically
    • Data action provide Actions button that end users can click in widgets at runtime and select from list of actions to perform

Chapter 4 Notes:

  • Mobile GIS is becoming the pervasive client for Web GIS
  • Mobile apps can be developed in browser, native, and hybrid-based approaches
  • ArcGIS provides a suite of mobile apps, including ArcGIS Survey123 and Field Maps
    • Survey123 is form centric and requires a form that can created using Survey123 Connect or web designer
    • Field maps is map centric for viewing maps, data collection, tacking, and coordination. For data collection, it requires an editable feature in a web map
  • Mobile GIS is the foundation of many apps and frontiers, including location-based services, volunteered geographic information, virtual reality, and augmented reality

Creating apps based on these sections would be primarily used in the field. I am not really sure what type of app I would develop. It would have to be something involving landmarks in my surroundings so I was thinking possibly an app for hiking or camping trails to keep track of where you are by identifying landmarks on the trail to avoid getting lost or just learning in general but I assume there is something already like that out there.

Rose- Week 2

Chapter 1 Notes:

  • Web GIS offers an insane amount of value when it comes to the field. It offers advantages such as its global reach, large, number of users, low cost per user, better cross-platform capabilities, how easy it is to use, and how easy it is to maintain.Ā 
  • Web GIS awareness is growing more prominent in many organizations due to its benefits. These include, government organizations, businesses, science research, and even daily life in general.Ā 
  • Web GIS elements include users, groups, content items, and metadata.Ā 
  • Web GIS has five main types of content: data, layers, tools, web maps and scenes, and apps.

Chapter 2 Notes:

  • Types of hosted layers to the Esri geospatial cloud: hosted feature layers, hosted web feature service layers, hosted tile layers, hosted web map tile service layers, hosted scene layers, hosted image layers, hosted map image layers.
  • Smart mapping enables users to visually analyze, create, and share high quality maps easily and quickly with minimal software skills.
  • Pop-up windows show geographic information and deliver geographic insight. Pop-ups are a common tool that users rely on to interact with operational layers.
  • ArcGIS arcade is portable, lightweight, and secure expression language written for use in ArcGIS to style, label, and add values to layer pop-ups.
  • ArcGIS Living Atla content categories: basemaps, imagery, boundaries, people, infrastructure, environment

In an I application I would create would be comparing the food security or lack there of in different counties in Ohio. As an HHK major I study our food system and how we can improve it. By gathering data of food security and hunger through out counties and towns we can look at it through a compare A to B type of smart mapping to see trending in towns and counties and figure out why this is happening.

Rose- Week 1

Hello everyone, my name is Evan Rose. I am a very late addition to this class and will be catching up as I go so thatā€™s why you have never seen my posts before and the reason why I am at week 1. I am a Health and Human Kinetics General major and I have never used this program before as I was not in GEOG 291 last module.Ā 


Spend a few minutes poking around your account, including the icon in the upper-right corner, which takes you to your profile. Add your basic information to My Profile. Also, look at My Settings, My ESRI, Training, Community and Forums, ArcGIS Blog, and Help. Jot down two comments about what you find (for the blog entry for this Lab).

  • I did not find anything interesting in the MyProfile, MySettings, or MyESRI. Just normal basic and boring things on those pages.
  • I found the Training, Community and Forums, and ArcGIS Blog interesting as there is so much to do on this program and this is reflected on the myriad amount of training, forum posts, and blog posts on these pages.

Use some ESRI resources to learn a bit about ArcGIS Online. Complete a read-through of Get Started: What Is ArcGIS Online. This should take about 30 minutes. Read through the different sections of this web page (stacked along the left of the page) and jot down two comments about what you find (for the blog entry for this Lab).

  • ArcGIS is a very vast program that lets the user explore and visualize 2D and 3D data. This comes in the form of maps, scenes, apps, and notebooks. Through this users can share and even collaborate with others based on their own work and research.
  • I find it very interesting that when creating an app on ArcGIS it can either be hosted by ArcGIS, reside on your organizationā€™s servers, or even use a third party resource such as Amazon to publish the application.Ā 

Web Course: ArcGIS Online Basics

  • Web apps allow users how to interact with web maps and scenes. They provide a more focused experience with more potential for context and utility. Users can create these apps even if they have no programming experience which is good because I donā€™t!
  • Through these maps and apps, you can view very nuanced spatial concepts from certain landscapes and can either view and collect data privately or share with others.

Use Google and Google Scholar to look into a few GIS application areas: search for ā€œArcOnlineā€ and different keywords, based on your personal interest: cat telemetry, queer online mapping, blind dung beetles, antifa, cop killings, stamp collectors, crowdsourcing, etc.). Include, in the blog posting, information on two applications with at least one map or image and a source or two.

  • One thing I like to study and look into is food security or lack there of around the United States. When looking for ArcOnline applications involving this I found that it was used to map out areas of food insecurity and different landmarks that could lead to this.

  • Another thing I looked at was the rates of obesity. ArcGIS was used in a study to mark hot spots and areas that are at risk for childhood obesity in Portugal. From this data they are able to come up with ways to combat this risk and increase the health of others in these areas.Ā

McFarland Week 4

Chapter 6:

(Spatiotemopral data and real-time GIS)

loT = The network of physical objects, or things, embedded with sensors and network connectivity that emable these objects to collect and exchange data.

^ Think smart cities and homes

ArcGIS velocity allows use of feed items, real-time analytic items, and big data analytical items.

Poll methods = traditional approach in which a client peridocially polls the server to retrieve the latest data.

Push method = New way to serve data in near real time using the HTML5 Websocket Protocol.

Hollinger Week 4

Chapter 6 Notes, Comments, and Questions:

  1. Spatiotemporal data includes observations of events, objects, etc. that move and change through time. This data has 4 categories:
    1. Moving, Discrete (something happens at a time/place), Stationary (still, but values change), and Change (growth)
    2. Time values can be a point in time or a duration of time
  2. IoT: a network of physical objects embedded with sensors and are network connected to enable these objects to collect/exchange data
    1. Smart cities: uses IoT to supply info that will assist in managing the city assets and resources better (and smart homes)
  3. Velocity and GeoEvent Server
    1. Ingest: compatible with many sources and forms of data (Communication component)
    2. Process: Processes the data received from the ingest component. It can provide filters and real-time analysis.
    3. Output: Send the processed data to a variety of destinations
    4. Velocity items: feed items (sensor input receiver), real-time analytics, big data analytics
    5. Delivery (server to client): Polls (ex: retrieves data every 30 seconds) or Push (serve data in real-time)
  4. Dashboards: common view of systems and resources you manage
    1. Arcade in dashboards: expression can be used as a data source and used to control control over the looks of a dashboard
  5. Mission: real-time communications and situational awareness product that helps with the coordination of movement and communication among an organization.
    1. Manager (web app, organizes missions), Responder (communication), Server (links manager and responder)
  6. Animating Time Series Data
    1. Time series: a sequence of data points captured over intervals of time
    2. Animating data lets you visualize it at each interval
    3. To do this you can use a time-enabled web layer, add it to a web map, and create an app from the web map

Chapter 6 Application:Ā 

  • My idea for an application for this chapter is an animated time series on how freshwater usage has changed over time. The data (CSV) I have is from Our World in Data and it tracks freshwater usage around the world from 1962 to 2019. I believe this would fall in the change category for spatiotemporal data because it shows how usage changes over time. I would create a time series map and I would also like to try to include a dashboardĀ  to visualize some different charts, lists, and statistics with the map if I feel it is appropriate for this data

Pois Week 4

Real-time GIS is used to handle objects and events that move, appear, and change through time.

  • Spatiotemporal data comes from many sources, ranging from manual data entry to data collected using observational sensors or generated from simulation models.
  • Real-time GIS refers to GIS that handles current and continuous data, which can be the latest position, altitude, speed, direction, temperature, pressure, concentration, or water level of various sensors and other objects.
  • IoT is the network of physical objects, or things, embedded with sensors and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data.

ArcGIS Velocity introduces new types of items to ArcGIS, including feed items, real-time analytic items and big data analytic items.

The temporal nature of real-time data allows you to establish a time series or intervals of time and you can:

  • Display discrete events, such as crimes, accidents, and diseases, over time.
  • Visualize the value change at stationary objects, such as air-quality sensors and weather stations.
  • Map the progression of a wildfire, flood, land use, or environmental change over time.
  • Replay the events of an emergency, review when and how different departments responded, and learn from the past to improve emergency management and responses.

Using the information/tutorial from this chapter, I could create a display showing change over time or create a web map with real-time layers. For example, I could potentially gather data from the cameras that overlook the main jaywalk crosswalk and create a web map with real time data of it to track incidents. I’d be interested to see if this could be used to gather data about the number of cars that run red lights or fail to yield to students at other crosswalks.

Adjei Week 4

This chapter focuses on the significance of real-time GIS, especially in the context of data generated by mobile devices, sensor networks, smart cities, and the IoT. It introduces ArcGIS products like ArcGIS Velocity, ArcGIS Dashboards, and ArcGIS Mission for addressing real-time data challenges.

Key terms related to spatiotemporal data and IoT are discussed, emphasizing their role in various applications, including smart cities and smart homes.

ArcGIS Velocity, a SaaS platform on ArcGIS Online, is introduced for real-time and big data analytics. ArcGIS Dashboards provide real-time monitoring capabilities in law enforcement, environmental protection, and social media analysis.

ArcGIS Mission is a real-time geospatial communications and situational awareness product for emergency response and security operations.

Using new techniques from this chapter, I could respond to changes in the job market by collecting real-time job-related data and using ArcGIS Velocity to process the data. I would also employ real-time analytics to identify trends and correlations.