The additional dimensions that 3D GIS offers over 2D serves as a better vehicle for a lot of different applications like urban planning or defense simulation. It helps people understand size and relative position of objects. Photorealistic 3D scenes use photos to texture features, while Cartographic scenes take the mapping techniques of 2D and applies them to 3D using height, size, color and transparency to display features like population density or earthquake magnitude that aren’t viewable from a 3D representation on its own. 3D scenes are composed of surfaces that provide a foundation for other content, features that are anchored above or below the surfaces (these are the operational layers), textures that provide the exterior or interior covers of the 3D features (often with aerial imagery or cartographic symbols), and finally atmospheric effects like lighting and fog. 3D scene layers can be used to present simple representations of buildings (textured or untextured), more complex digital models of buildings that let you interact with its components and look at its specific properties, category layers (windows, walls, etc), or filters that let you select elements with specific attributes. Integrated mesh scene layers construct complex images just from stitching together drone footage by matching angles from different data points together into a single synthesized projection. Point cloud scene layers quickly display large amounts of symbolized point cloud data, usually collected via lidar (This one looks like a heat map). Point scene layers thin out the dataset from point clouds to increase visualization speed and visibility. Voxel layers create a volumetric vizualization, often used for atmospheric or oceanic data.
There’s not an Elevation mode to select in 7.2 so Alaska’s gonna stay a little funky.
I’m really curious why some of those cars are such different sizes when so many others are at-scale.
Assignment idea: I think it’d be interesting to make a 3d web scene of one of the parks we run at for cross country.