Shaw Week 5

This chapter was a lot easier to follow from the ones from last week, it helped a lot more that we only had to focus on one chapter this week. The chapter started on how to create a dashboard which helps for displaying information. The dashboard also is extremely helpful because the information is constantly changing and the dashboard application constantly updates with the changes. I am not entirely sure what else the dashboard would be helpful for besides updates because the book does not discuss in a lot of detail.  I did like looking at the different tools and how they can be used for collecting data. This section also showed me new parts of ArcGIS online and how you can put multiple things on a page to display. This chapter also focused on stream layers and how ArcGIS online uses them to look at data and sort it. Looking at the real time traffic cameras were very cool. I am not really sure how I would make an application based on what this chapter taught. An idea that might work would be to use a time application in something like seeing the population of wildlife through the different seasons. This application could help with migration along with just seeing what kind of presence these animals have during different times of the year in different areas.

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