Brokaw week 3

Assign: Read and complete GTKWGIS Chapters 3 & 4 ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. Create a new blog entry with comments, notes, and questions on these readings. 

Chapter 3 focused on the experience builder and you can configure the app without having to program. It is supposed to be flexible and help the user who needs more functions.  To create a web experience using experience builder you need to select a premade template or create one, add a theme, add source data, configure widgets, and refine the layout. 

Chapter 4 was more of how mobile webGIS can be used to benefit us than using a desktop version that had immobility, connectivity  issues. Mobile GIS is built on some technologies and has grown and invented new ideas. Some of those include wireless communication technology and the satellite internet services like the SpaceX Starlink plan. Others are mobile devices and mobile operating systems. Some mobile positioning technologies are Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and GSM. 

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