Schtucka week 7-9 (final)

For my first app (chapters 1-4), I focused on chapter 4’s creating a survey using Survey123. I created a survey that would be used to find the most walked route on campus for the morning and afternoon hours. The answers from the survey would be compelled and the most common answers would be mapped to show the most common route from the earliest response time-12pm and then 12pm-the latest response time.  

For my second app (chapters 5-8), I dialed in on chapter 7’s area of 3D scenes. In WebGIS’s living atlas, I found data on the U.S. Forest Service showing all the different forests from the National Forest System along with their regions. Using this, I created a 3D scene app that allows the viewer to see the different regions of forests by color, and the 3D aspect is that each forests’ shown heights are representative of the area they cover in acres. Along with this, the app also shows the forest’s name over their polygon. Viewers are also able to click on each forest and read a pop-up window about the forest. This allows the viewer to analyze which region has larger forests, and if there is any particular forest they wish to look into more, they are able to get basic information about it.

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