Miller Week 6

Chapter 7: This chapter covered 3D web GIS, which seems like a really unique and informative concept in GIS. 7.1 had me explore web scenes using a scene viewer. This section was a good introduction to the materials, as it showed me the basic tools of 3D web GIS. Section 7.2 had me make a thematic web scene. The direction that had me search for the living atlas did not work. Therefore, I used data that worked from GEOG 291, and I tried to make it as similar as possible to what the book wanted me to do. 7.3 had me create a web scene and add 3D features to the scene. This section took awhile, but it was really fun to figure things out. Section 7.4 had me work with elevation, as I added items both above and below ground. This section was quite easy and more review form the previous section. Section 7.6 had me add 3D objects to the map and showed me how to use the slice tool. A potential assignment for this chapter would be for me to create a 3D scene of a fun community, where the location would be here at Ohio Wesleyan University. I would add multiple similar objects, where some would show real items such as trees and cars. Other objects would be on the more imaginary side.


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