Miller Week 5

Chapter 6: This chapter introduced me to working with both spatial temporal data and real-time GIS. 6.1 had me create a map with real time layers. This was a lot of review from previous chapters, which made it easy to follow. 6.2 had me create a dashboard app. This was a good review from GEOG 291, so the steps were not that difficult. 6.3 had me continue work on the dashboard app, where I configured actions and targets. This section was quite cool to see the results take shape. 6.4 had me work with coding to configure advanced formatting. It was quite a long section, but I was thankfully able to make it work. Section 6.5 had me create a time-enabled feature layer. This was quite similar to what Chapter 1 had me do, which made it a good review. Section 6.6 had me create an instant app based on my work from section 6.5. This was another straightforward section and was also neat to see the finished product. A potential application assignment would be for me to look at weekly US Vaccination rates during the COVID era. I would pretty much follow the similar steps from section 6.5 and 6.6. 

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