Chapter 1 Notes:
- Web GIS offers an insane amount of value when it comes to the field. It offers advantages such as its global reach, large, number of users, low cost per user, better cross-platform capabilities, how easy it is to use, and how easy it is to maintain.
- Web GIS awareness is growing more prominent in many organizations due to its benefits. These include, government organizations, businesses, science research, and even daily life in general.
- Web GIS elements include users, groups, content items, and metadata.
- Web GIS has five main types of content: data, layers, tools, web maps and scenes, and apps.
Chapter 2 Notes:
- Types of hosted layers to the Esri geospatial cloud: hosted feature layers, hosted web feature service layers, hosted tile layers, hosted web map tile service layers, hosted scene layers, hosted image layers, hosted map image layers.
- Smart mapping enables users to visually analyze, create, and share high quality maps easily and quickly with minimal software skills.
- Pop-up windows show geographic information and deliver geographic insight. Pop-ups are a common tool that users rely on to interact with operational layers.
- ArcGIS arcade is portable, lightweight, and secure expression language written for use in ArcGIS to style, label, and add values to layer pop-ups.
- ArcGIS Living Atla content categories: basemaps, imagery, boundaries, people, infrastructure, environment
In an I application I would create would be comparing the food security or lack there of in different counties in Ohio. As an HHK major I study our food system and how we can improve it. By gathering data of food security and hunger through out counties and towns we can look at it through a compare A to B type of smart mapping to see trending in towns and counties and figure out why this is happening.