- Spatiotemporal data can be categorized into the following groups: moving (lives feeds of airplanes, buses, cars, trains, etc.), discrete (criminal incidents, earthquakes, geotagged social media feeds), stationary (wind speed and direction measurements at weather stations, highway and traffic speed, water levels at stream gauges), and change (perimeters of wildfires, flooded areas, land use and cover)
- Real time GIS handles current and continuous data, which can be the latest position, speed, altitude, direction, temperature, pressure, concentration, or water level of various sensors and other objects. It can provide better situational awareness, enhance emergency response, and support decision making.
- Point in time- refers to time values that are typically stored in a single attributes field (lightning strike)
- Duration of time- refers to time values that are typically stored in two fields, one for the start time and the other for end time. (wildfires)
- Time measurement systems- time can be expressed in many units, such as in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
- Time reference systems- time zones and rules for daylight savings time (GMT, UTC)
- Time representations- how the date and time is written (11/07/2023)
- Temporal resolution- refers to the time interval in which events are sampled (weather report stations report temp. Every 15 mins) smaller temporal intervals will result in larger data sizes and larger temporal intervals will result in lower temporal resolution
- IoT is the network of physical objects embedded with sensors and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data. Enterprise IoT applications include smart cities, infrastructure management, environment quality monitoring, etc. Consumer IoT applications include connected cars, connected health, and smart homes
- ArcGIS Analytics for IoT and GeoEvent Server share similar basic components: 1.) Ingest- interacts with various data sources. It provides ways to communicate with IoT platforms, sensor networks, social networks, etc. 2.) process- this component processes real time data received and translated by the ingestion component. It also uses real-time filters that remove events that do not satisfy specified criteria. 3.) outputs- sends processed data to a variety of destinations.
- ArcGIS Analyitics is a real-time and big data processing and analysis capability of ArcGIS Online. It includes the following: 1.) feed items- allow users to receive sensor inputs. 2.) real time analytic items- allow users to perform real-time processing of these inputs. 3.) big data analytic items- allows users to access and analyze big data repositories of historical observations.
- Poll and Push methods: 1.) Poll- the traditional approach in which a client periodically polls the server to retrieve the latest data. 2.) Push- the new way to serve data in near real time using the HTML5 WebSocket Protocol.
- Using the information provided in Ch. 6, I could create an app to illustrate the student body population change over time at OWU. To do this, I would find records of the student body population for each year, then enter that data into a file and upload it. I would then add the title, tags, and ensure that the correct time zone is selected and the PopDate is recognized as a Date field and a Time Field. I would then animate the time-series data so that an illustration demonstrates the rise/fall patterns of student enrollment at OWU up to 2023. This could be useful for OWU enrollment staff to see trends on attendance at the school, and to help enhance the methods the school uses to promote students to come and stay here. It may also be interesting for prospective students to see the trends of the school as well.