Nature Heals I: The Romantics Got It Right

Over the past several months, we have all become very familiar with sharp winds, gray skies, and rainy days here at Ohio Wesleyan. Starved of the sun and stuck indoors, we live our lives under harsh, white fluorescent lights. 

These conditions have a significant impact on many people’s health. Research shows that the winter season increases stress and anxiety and decreases energy and motivation.

What We’re Into: Therapy Thoughts

Mental health has never been a bigger topic than it is right now. Despite this, some college students still struggle to seek counseling or other necessary resources. While maintaining mental wellness can feel difficult for every college student in the depths of a hectic college life, those who are navigating mental illness often feel as though it is impossible.

The Youth’s Companion

Do you remember the childhood thrill of opening the mailbox to find the latest issue of your favorite magazine? Can you recall the anticipation you felt while quickly leafing through its glossy pages, impatiently scanning the stories, games, and craft ideas? Popular children’s magazines such as National Geographic Kids, Sports Illustrated Kids, American Girl Doll, or Highlights for Children often come to many of our minds when we recall our childhoods.

What We’re Into: Arnold’s Pump Club

With the number of classes, assignments, and responsibilities that many college students face, staying in shape and expanding our knowledge of health and fitness can feel overwhelming. While many student athletes find counsel from coaches or teammates, students like myself, who don’t play a sport but simply want to improve their health, can easily feel lost without a guide in the vast world of health and fitness.

What We’re Into: Dark Histories

Dark Histories, a podcast written and hosted by Ben Cutmore, is a great choice if you adore terrifyingly captivating tales. Under the genres of documentary and history, this strangely addicting podcast tells spooky but less-well-known stories of murder, ghosts, demons, and crime from times long past with sound effects and music.

Grace Zoldak (’25): Why English?

When I began college, I didn’t know that I would eventually declare a major in English in addition to History. However, what I did know was how deeply I loved and appreciated literature and writing. This love wasn’t the “summer fling” sort of love that swoops down and infatuates one for a brief period only to flee as quickly as it began, but rather the product of a continuously evolving relationship with literature that I fostered since I was young.Â