
We just completed the migration of this website to its new server, where you’ll notice a lock now in front of its address in your browser’s address bar. (Some browsers even say, “Secure”.)

If you use a bookmark or a favorite to get here, it’s best to update its address to include the “S” in https://earthdanceohio.org. It’s OK if you don’t, as the new server will automatically add it. More info on HTTPS and why it’s important.

The new server is also more robust than the old one, so these pages should load faster. (The OWU Radio website recently moved to the same server.)

Keep Dancing!

Dancing with every step…

  A show in the midst of marches: people marching for truth and science, people marching for the air they breath and the ground we walk on. Last Saturday was Earth Day, and people around the world marched for science and the value of reproducible evidence. This coming Saturday is […]