Year 2015

Crying for Social Justice

the crying for justice wordcloud spray painted over black

Crying for the ongoing atrocities facing our ailing nation these days, our Dancing for Change radio show’s theme is ‘Crying for Social Justice’. As a nation, we could use a good hamblecha, a sincere vision quest. Here’s the run-down: The…

Thanksgiving Gratitude

A Native American teepee with the American Flag, along with the PBS show title, "We Shall Remain"

Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s a quick summary of last week’s radio show. The archived recording hasn’t yet been posted to the OWU Radio website, but it should be sometime next week. There was no show tonight (or any other shows this…

Another week, a lot going on

A green variation of the American flag with the Ecology symbol in place of the stars

Earlier this week, the United States observed Veteran’s Day, and school children across the country gathered in assemblies to honor those who have served. Some of our show last night was inspired by that. Other songs were inspired by thought,…


We’re back on the air after a fall break, and there’s revolution on the air: The Beatles – Revolution, from Past Masters, 1988 Eric Clapton – Revolution, from Back Home, 2005 Superchick – One Girl Revolution, from Karaoke Superstars, 2002…