Category Archives: Tanzania2014

Arusha National Park

Arusha National Park Group Photo small

Arusha National Park is amazing. Arusha national park is approximately 212 sq miles and is located right outside of Arusha. It was an overcast day but the sights were still beautiful. We rode our Safari Jeep through the park and as soon as we entered the park we immediately saw zebras! The zebras were eating grass and enjoying the overcast day. After driving for a little while we began to see giraffes, wilder beast, monkeys, baboons, flamingos, warthog, antelope and various birds. There was a lake filled with flamingos, they flapped their wings, flew around and enjoyed the water. We drove to the top of the creator and had a picnic. After our picnic we were saw a giraffe crossing. The giraffes were walking across the road and we had to wait until they were done to continue. It was absolutely breathtaking.

Dala Dala


The day began with another class. We had our first African Medical Systems Class at 11:00 this morning. Our class was shorter today but we learned a lot of information about Functionalist Perspective, Symbolic Interactionalism, Conflict Perspectives and how they impact health systems in Tanzania. The class was very informative and enjoyable. After class a few of us went to the market. We walked an hour and a half to get there and rode the Dala Dala back. A Dala Dala is a small 12 passenger van that rides from the city to the suburbs and surrounding villages. It usually cost less than a dollar to ride and they fit over 20 people in it. It was exciting and cramped.


First Class

Our first class, East African Culture, was held today for 5 hours. We learned about diversity, poverty, size and the effects of colonization. We also discussed the novel The River Between by Nguigi, which is about colonization in Kenya and its effects on religion. It was very informative and we are all excited to learn more. To put the size of Africa in perspective to the United States please view this map


Learning about the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda


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Today we were enlightened and inspired by many people while we visited the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, which was established by the United Nations in 1994. The Tribunal was made in Arusha to keep the distance, witnesses safe and to keep things separated. We talked to many people, most are lawyers but there was also a social scientist. The people included Douglas Hansen, a Legal Officer, Thembile Segoete from the Appeals Counsel, Samuel Akorimo the Officer in Charge of Registry and Sera Attika the Head of the Witness Support and Protection Unit.  We learned a lot and was ecstatic to be sitting in the seats of important people. We also had our first experience at a Masai market.



Exploring the Village

We walked though the village outside of the UAACC and visited another snake farm. We saw the University of Arusha but there were no students because they are on break. We also made beautiful pieces of art out of dye and wax today. Everything has been exciting and beautiful.

art and wax


We arrived at approximately 7:45 and left the airport around 8:30. Although we arrived at night we can already see many differences between our homes and Tanzania. There are not many street lights but there is a beautiful moon that illuminates the sky. We all sit with different emotions: excited, nervous, anticipatory, amazed.


Welcome to the OWU in Tanzania Study Abroad Blog. 8 students have been granted the opportunity to travel, learn, and explore Tanzania Africa for 90 days. The student will be taking classes and will have an internship that is catered to their interest. Dr. Quaye will be with the students for the duration of the trip and everyone is excited for the months to come! As the Students and Dr. Quaye prepare for the trip, passports are being bought and goals are being made. In the upcoming weeks their will be post about the preparations that are being made for the journey. Stay Tuned!