Frawley: Chapter 1 Notes

Chapter 1 Notes:

Python is an interpreted language that is easy to understand and has a simple syntax. Python 3 is the latest version of python that is used with ArcGIS Pro. 

This chapter was a relatively easy read and clear to understand. This chapter just provided the basics of what Python is and shows some example scripts that you will eventually understand. This chapter took me about 20 minutes to read, so I’m not entirely sure about the questions included because I read all of the chapters before completing each review question set. I completed the end of chapter questions and they are as follows:


What are some of the key features of Python that make it suitable as a scripting language to work with ArcGIS Pro? 

Python is easy to learn, free and open-source, multi-OS platform use, and it is object-oriented, meaning that it can interact with multiple interacting objects within the script. 


What does it mean that python is an interpreted language? 

Interpreted language means that its code doesn’t need to be compiled into binary when you run it. 


What are some of the differences between scripting and programming? 

Scripting essentially takes components that are already made and combines them together to create something, while programming is more about creating something from the ground up on your own with unique code. 


Which version of python is used with ArcGIS pro? 

Python 3 is the version used with ArcGIS Pro. Python 3 was introduced as the newest version of the language in 2008. 


What are some of the reasons to invest time and effort into learning python? 

 Python can automate workflows and tasks to reduce the amount of time and effort into collecting and sorting data. Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages within the geospatial community.