A Reading from Anni Liu

This last Tuesday, Ohio Wesleyan was so excited to welcome home Anni Liu ‘13 for a reading from her poetry collection Boarder Vista. Liu joined us in the Benes Room for an engaging reading and discussion about her work, as well as an open time for questions. Liu was introduced by Ronan Thompson who gave an introduction to her professional career and the themes her work covers. 

A Visit From Tommy Orange

This past weekend, Delaware, Ohio was thrilled to have award-winning author Tommy Orange visit the Delaware County District Library for a reading and conversation about his book, There There. The conversation was moderated by OWU Associate English Professor Amy Butcher and recently retired OWU Associate English Professor Karen Poremski. 

Tommy Orange is the author of the New York Times best-selling novel There There.

What We’re Reading: Rachel Ingalls’ Mrs. Caliban


When I first read Rachel Ingalls’ Mrs. Caliban this semester in Professor Butcher’s Narratives 2: Longer Forms, I was perplexed as to how the story could have any literary significance. At face value, this is the story of a lonely housewife, Dorothy, in an unhappy marriage who falls in love with a monstrous frog-like man–a clear allusion to the aquatic creature Caliban from Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

Josie Green: Why English?

I’ve never considered a different major for college. Since middle school, I’ve figured I would continue down the path of studying English. Though I won’t say there aren’t other majors I can’t complete, no other major feels right, feels like me

One of the few consistent interests in my life has been literature, both in school and beyond.