Camper & Parent Handbook (2025 Update Coming Soon!)

Campers and Parents, be sure to read the 2024 Camper and Parent Handbook to know what to bring, when and where to be, plus goals and expectations for a safe and successful week at camp.

Supervision & Safety

While participating in the OWU Summer Music Camp, all students will be under the careful supervision of the Music Camp staff consisting of OWU music faculty, Ohio music teachers, and OWU college students. All camp activities including rehearsals, classes, lessons, meals, break time and campus venue transitions will be closely monitored by camp staff.

Anyone wishing to report a concern or issue regarding sexual harassment and/or misconduct can do so anonymously by completing this form.

Behavior Expectations & Anti-Bullying Policy

All campers and staff are expected to collaborate together toward common performance goals, support each other’s artistic development, and accept the differences of their fellow campers. To maintain everyone’s safety, health, and a positive learning environment, all campers are expected to abide the camp schedule (including wake up and lights out) as well as any instructions from camp staff.

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying behavior toward a camper, whether by other campers, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited at OWU Summer Music Camp and will not be tolerated. All complaints about bullying that may violate this policy will be promptly investigated. For the purposes of this policy, and consistent with Ohio law, bullying, harassment and/or intimidation (collectively, “bullying”) means:

Any intentional written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that a camper or group of campers exhibits toward other campers or camp personnel with the intent to harass, intimidate, injure, threaten, ridicule or humiliate, that is exhibited more than once and that does both of the following:

  1. The behavior causes mental or physical harm to the other camper and
  2. The behavior is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive camp environment for the other camper.

This policy includes acts that are based on a camper’s actual or perceived race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, age, gender identity or expression, ancestry, familial status, disability, or association with a person or group with one or more of the above mentioned characteristics whether actual or perceived. Said behaviors are prohibited on camp premises, at any camp-sponsored activity, or on camp provided transportation.

If anyone feels there is a developing issue, please immediately inform us so that we may address it. You may inform any adult employee (counselor, head-counselor, conductor, instructor, nurse, dorm manager, or camp director).

See something. Say something.

Instrument Repairs & Supplies

All band and orchestra students are expected to bring their own instrument in good working condition. Percussionists are expected to provide their own sticks and mallets. Emergency supplies for instruments (reeds, valve oil, strings) will be available for purchase at camp.

Medical Services

In the event of an illness or injury to a student at camp, a counselor will escort that student to the Summer Music Camp medical staff for prompt, professional medical care.

Driving Directions & Campus Map

OWU & Delaware, OH