Books To Add To Your Holiday Wish-List

The holidays are coming up– this is the perfect opportunity to expand your book collection and treat yourself to some new reads. Whether you are looking for an emotionally gripping book, captivating poetry, or a purely self-indulgent read, this list has the perfect story for you.

Fiction and Non-fiction Essays

The following recommendations are a collection of essays or feature elements of essay writing in their composition.

5 Movies For Whatever Halloween Mood You’re In

1.Ready or Not (2019) 

If what you want for Halloween is the perfect balance between adrenaline-filled scares, unabashed fun, and a little bit of gore, Ready or Not is the perfect choice. The movie follows Grace, a woman with no family who just married the man of her dreams and is excited to start her life with him; on their wedding night, she discovers a family tradition according to which, in order to officially become part of the family, all she has to do is play a children’s game.…

Movies to watch if you desperately want to travel (but can’t)

In the utter chaos of the world we live in right now, traveling has ceased–for the moment, at least–to be an option. Though we know it is the responsible thing, and not getting in a plane somewhere is the least we can do for our fellow humans, the longing for travel and exploration won’t simply fade away.

Spooky Reads: Recommendations by Madison Williams (’20)

“The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892) by Charlotte Perkins:

Written in first person as a collection of journal entries, The Yellow Wallpaper details a woman who is diagnosed with a “slight hysterical tendency” following the birth of her child. Her husband, a doctor, prescribes a rest cure in a mysterious colonial mansion that  does not sit well with the woman.