The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Nov. 16 @ Noon – Panel on Palestine
Please join YDSA at noon on the third floor of Merrick Hall for a Panel on Palestine. Drs. Toenjes, Kim, and Comorau will be contextualizing the current events in Palestine. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU YDSA Contact: Holly Bostian at
Nov. 13 at Noon – Vigil for Palestine
Join YDSA outside of Beeghly Library for a vigil for Palestine. We urge the OWU community to come together in solidarity with the people of Palestine to show support for those currently suffering and in remembrance of those who have…
Nov. 14 @ 4:10 p.m. – Biology Seminar Series with Abbi Turner (OWU ’20)
Please join the Biology Seminar Series for a talk by Abbi Turner (OWU ’20), Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana: “Behavioral characteristics and hormonal mechanisms of egg ejection in the American robin (Turdus migratorius)” Free and open to everyone.…
Nov. 10 @ 11 a.m. – Dipped Donuts at DEC OWU!
To celebrate Veterans Day, the Delaware Entrepreneurial Center at OWU will be serving Dipped Donuts from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.! Stop by DEC OWU (right next to the Ross Art Museum) to grab a donut! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Delaware Entrepreneurial Center…
Nov. 14 @ 8 p.m. – Park Avenue Jazz Concert!
Join us for a concert by the Park Avenue Jazz Ensemble on Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. in Gray Chapel. It is sure to be a good time! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Performing Arts Department Contact: Anneliese Ingraham at
Have You Reserved Your Tickets for ‘Orchesis 23/24’?
Ohio Wesleyan’s Orchesis Dance Company will present three performances of “Orchesis 23/24,” a contemporary dance concert that explores the theme of individuality through choreography by guest artist Sarah Ramey, director of Perennial Movement Group of Columbus, Ohio, and six student-choreographers.…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
March 30 @ 7 p.m. – Magic Show by Sean Ridgeway!
Come watch a performance by Sean Ridgeway, a magician since age 10 and a 2021 America’s Got Talent competitor! The performance will be 7-9 p.m. in the Benes Room. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Bishop Way Contact: Mindi Klaus at
Due April 18 @ 5 p.m. – Sagan Writing Center Award: Now Open
Deadline April 18, 2024. Graduating Seniors only: Submit your graduate or professional school application essays for the annual Sagan Writing Center Award! 1st Place: $200. 2nd Place: $100. Submit here: Please DO NOT send a copy to Sarah Graves. We…
April 21 @ 11:30 a.m. – Spring Residential Life Off-Campus Trip: Columbus Clippers
Residential Life is excited to announce our off-campus trip this semester will be to the Columbus Clippers on April 21. The bus will leave at 11:30 a.m. A link will be sent out to anyone who has swiped into a…
March 28 @ 2:40 p.m. – Alumni Careers in Non-Profits & Government
March 28 from 2:40-4 p.m. (Elliott Hall, 4th floor lounge) Students from all majors are welcome to learn more about careers in the non-profit sector and government from 2 OWU alums: Dan Sharpe ’06 Dan is the current Vice President,…
March 27 Deadline: Run for WCSA (Student Government) Office for Next Academic Year
Now is the time to submit an intent-to-run form to run for a WCSA (student government) Office for next academic year. Elected students’ terms will be August 2024-May 2025. Full details can be found on the WCSA Election Page. Intent-to-Run forms…
March 27 @ Noon – Bookstores & BBQ: TPG to Kansas City Writers Conference
In early February, an intrepid team of English students and professors found themselves in Kansas City for the annual Association of Writers and Writers Programs as part of a TPG to build connections in and be inspired by the global…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Printing Services Closed May 22-29
Printing Services will be closed from May 22-29 for vacation. Thank you. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Printing Services Contact: Marilyn Stephens at
Ceramics Department Earthquake Relief Fundraiser
Dear Faculty Members, We hope this email finds you well. As you may have heard, a devastating earthquake recently struck Turkey and Syria, causing extensive damage and loss of life. In response to this tragedy, the ceramics department at our…
Printing Services Closing Friday at Noon
Printing Services will be closed this Friday, May 5, starting at noon. Please plan accordingly. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Printing Services Contact: Marilyn Stephens at
University Classifieds
Lost hearing aid
If you have lost/ misplaced a hearing aid please come the Student Involvement office located through the main doors at the Hamilton Williams campus center between 9 am-5 pm OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan Contact: Student Involvement Office at
Lost hearing aid
If you have lost/ misplaced a hearing aid please come the Student Involvement office located through the main doors at the Hamilton Williams campus center between 9 am-5 pm OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Ohio Wesleyan Contact: Student Involvement Office at
FOUND Piece of AirPod accessory set
If you have lost a piece of your AirPod set, stop at the Merrick Mentors desk to claim it. We also have lost water bottles to be claimed at the Merrick Mentors Desk. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: International and Office Campus…
Questions? Contact us at