The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You Are OWU Award

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today: The selection committee prefers to recognize…

Today @ 11 a.m. – Health and Wellness Fair

Come to the Annual Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Student Health Center! The Health and Wellness Fair works to connect OWU students to multiple health agencies. 15 organizations will be present that can offer information on mental health,…

Women’s History Month Event Calendar

This year the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Student Involvement Office have collaborated with campus partners to create an event calendar to celebrate Women’s History Month (WHM). The WHM calendar is hosted by student organizations, offices, and departments…

Fire Alarm Inspections Set for March 9-13

The University will be conducting state-required fire alarm inspections and tests over spring break in many of our academic buildings. You are not required to evacuate during the tests. The work will take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.…

March 5 @ 11 a.m. – Health and Wellness Fair

Come to the Annual Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Student Health Center! The Health and Wellness Fair works to connect OWU students to multiple health agencies. 15 organizations will be present that can offer information on mental health,…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Deliberative Polling Event – Sign up by Today!

Are you concerned about polarization in our politics? Do you wish there were more opportunities for civil dialogue and debate over the important issues facing the country – from climate change, to the minimum wage, to economic opportunity? On May…

Please Participate in this SHORT Student Research Study

To participate in this survey, you must be at least 18 years old and a student at Ohio Wesleyan University. Through this study we will be comparing the similarities and differences between various genders’ perceived body image and relationship to…

Register for Cherokee Documentary Showing and Free Succulents!

On Monday, April 26 the House of Linguistic Diversity and the Creative Arts House will have a joint house project called “Cherokee Language and Art”. Come learn about the Cherokee syllabary and decorate flower pots to grow plants in! Succulents…

Apply to live in SEAL!

SEAL (Service Engagement and Leadership) SLU is looking for a new member for the 2021 – 2022 academic year (starting in Fall of 2021)! We are excited to offer this space to an individual who is interested in being involved…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Mindfulness and Meditation

A few weeks ago, we talked about dealing with stress using yoga. Another common way to combat stress is through mindfulness or meditation, and the OWU Counseling Center is offering a Mindfulness Moment every week of April. Over the past…

Interested in Real Estate?

Interested in Real Estate? Register for FIN 499 with Professor MacLeod. This class is available FALL Semester 2021, MW, 2:10-4:00. Pre-reqs for this course are Core Financial Concepts, or Financial Management, or permission of instructor. Please email questions to Lori…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

Oct. 17 – Flu Vaccines for OWU Faculty and Staff

On October 17, from 1-3 p.m., flu vaccines will be available for OWU faculty and staff in Benes Room A. Please schedule an appointment using the following link: Walk-ins are also welcome. Please see below for more information about…

Sept. 28 – Rosie Bell’s Retirement Party!

Come join the Accounting and Purchasing offices in saying thanks and good luck to Rosie Bell! There will be a reception on the 3rd floor of Merrick on Sept. 28 from 2-4 p.m. Start Date/Time: September 28, 2018 at 2:00…

Tech Tip of the Week: How to Identify Phishing Messages

Being part of an organization, faculty and staff are at risk of so-called “phishing messages.” What are they? How do you identify them? Those are the topics of this week’s Tech Tip! Phishing scams are fraudulent emails, phone calls or…

University Classifieds

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