The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
May 7, 11, & 15 @ 5:30 pm on Zoom – OWU Theatre & Spanish Students present OUR NEW GOLD, a digital theatre festival!
OUR NEW GOLD is a digital theatre & film festival based on texts from the Spanish Golden Age. OUR NEW GOLD starts May 7, and continues through May 11 and 15! This project is sponsored by a Theory to Practice…
Today @ 3 pm – Delta Tau Delta Cornhole for the Cure
Cornhole for the Cure is a fundraising event organized by the brothers of Delta Tau Delta, helping the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. JDRF is our national philanthropic partner and the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Its…
WOW Speaker Series: No More Hiding May 18, 7:30-8:30
The WOW (Women of Ohio Wesleyan) is an event to bring together OWU women of all ages. This event discusses the Importance of Putting Yourself Out There, Relationship Building, and Bounding Past Your Fear of Networking. This session will be…
Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students and Staff Through Zoom
Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU students and staff every Monday during lunch time from 12:10- 12:50 pm virtually through zoom. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come…
Honor Faculty Retirees Through Kudoboard
Dear OWU community, Please join me in a special opportunity to recognize the faculty who retired in 2020 and those retiring in 2021. OWU has launched a Kudoboard to honor and celebrate their many contributions to the OWU community. I…
Student Recital (pre-recorded) to premiere May 9 @ 3 p.m.
The Department of Music student pre-recorded recital featuring Luke Belinski, alto sax; Hunter Coon, voice; Madison Deckop, voice; Rachel Foster, double bass; Hayden Houpt, tuba; Logan Page, trumpet; and Abby Stepp, trumpet can be viewed on Sunday, May 9 at…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Summer On-Campus Student Employment Opportunities
OWU departments are looking to hire students for summer employment opportunities! All open positions for on-campus student employment will be posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal: If you have questions on how to access Handshake, just ask! Once you have…
Vote Now for i³
Voting is open this week for one of OWU’s biggest events, i³, which is coming back in September. Select the faculty you want to see deliver a great lecture brimming with ideas, insight, and imagination in only three minutes! Vote…
SENIORS: Friendly Reminder to Return Library Items
With graduation fast approaching, please remember to return your library books before you leave campus. If you need them for finals, please return them no later than May 3, the last day of finals. Additionally, please know that not returning…
DATE CHANGE! April 16 – OWU Under the Stars
This SATURDAY, APRIL 16, come out to the Amphitheater by Ham-Wil from 8-10 pm for a stargazing event, hosted by CPB and Astronomy Club. There will be free giveaways, free food, and telescopes available to view the stars. Don’t forget…
The Library is Hiring Lead Student Service Desk Assistants
We are hiring two students. The position is for Saturdays 11:30-5:30. We are hoping to hire soon to train you for a lead position for the next academic year. The training period will be a few shifts from now until…
Guy Sarvis Award – Nominations Open – Due April 22
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council and the Chaplain’s Office invite nominations for the Guy Sarvis Award, presented annually at the Baccalaureate Service during Commencement Weekend. This award is given to a student who has a demonstrated record of fostering…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
Spring Staff & Faculty Step Challenge – Join the Fun!
We are excited to announce the Step Challenge is back! Once again we want to encourage a healthy lifestyle, celebrate OWU camaraderie, and have some fun (even if we are remote)! This opportunity is open to all current OWU employees.…
Spring Staff & Faculty Step Challenge – Join the Fun!
We are excited to announce the Step Challenge is back! Once again we want to encourage a healthy lifestyle, celebrate OWU camaraderie, and have some fun (even if we are remote)! This opportunity is open to all current OWU employees.…
Improve your Blackboard Learn and/or Collaborate skills
Information Services has created three online courses for learning Blackboard Learn (our LMS) and Collaborate, (their web conferencing platform.) The content has been provided by Blackboard. All OWU faculty and staff may self-enroll and study at their own pace, or…
University Classifieds
FOUND – Pencil Bag in Science Center
A grey pencil/pen bag with “Cathay Dragon” on the front was found in the Science Center. Claim in the Science Office, Room 201. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Science Center. Contact: Barbara Williams at
FOUND in Science Center
FOUND in Science Center, Room 151: Nike black/lime green running cap and black aluminum Contigo water bottle. Claim in Science Office, Room 201. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Science Center. Contact: Barbara Williams at
Van Drivers needed for OFIC Career Fest! (Will be Paid)
We are in need of two van drivers who can drive students to the OFIC Career Fest on Fri., Feb. 1. The first shift will be from 9:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m. and the second shift will be from 12 p.m.-2:15 p.m.…
Questions? Contact us at