Category Campuswide News & Events

Theory-to-Practice Grant Submissions Due TODAY!

Theory-to-Practice Grant submissions are due TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. Visit for guidelines and instructions for submission. Here is the direct link () to the application form. Questions? Please visit the IOCP office in Slocum Hall (3rd floor) and speak with a…

March 23 @ 7:30 p.m. – The Heisler Business Ethics Lecture Series

March 23, 2023, at 7:30 p.m., Benes Room B, Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Join us for the 2023 Heisler Business Ethics Lecture titled “Players, Agents, Unions, Owners…and Fans: The Business Ethics of Professional Hockey” with keynote speaker Greg Kirstein, former Senior…

New York Arts Program Application Deadline Extended to March 15

It’s not too late to apply! The application deadline for the New York Arts Program’s Fall 2023 semester has been extended to Wednesday, March 15. Questions? Email Helena Enders at OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: New York Arts Program Contact: Helena…

March 1 @ 4:10 p.m. – Senior Lecture on Predator Ecology

When: March 1 @ 4:10 PM Where: SCSC 163 Life for a songbird isn’t easy, and predation is the leading cause of nest failure across bird species. Join OWU senior Josie Fornara ’23 as she discusses various ways that birds…

March 2 @ 4:15 p.m. – Chinelo Okparanta Reading

The English Department is pleased to welcome novelist Chinelo Okparanta as our Michael C. Quinn Memorial Lecturer on Thursday, March 2, from 4:15-5:15 pm in the Milligan Room of Slocum Hall. Chinelo Okparanta is a Nigerian American novelist and author…

March 1 @ 12:10 p.m. – Sustainability Task Force Meeting

Join the Sustainability Task Force this Wednesday, March 1 from 12:10 – 1 in Merrick 301! We will hear from surrounding organizations such as Price Farms Composting and Necotech on sustainable practices in Delaware and job/internship opportunities for sustainably interested…

March 1 @ 11:59 p.m. – Theory-to-Practice Grant Proposals DUE

If you are planning to submit a Theory-to-Practice Grant for Round Two, submissions are due Wednesday, March 1, at 11:59 pm. Visit for guidelines and instructions for submission. Here is the direct link to the application form. Questions? Please visit the IOCP office in Slocum…