Category Campuswide News & Events

Athletic/Fitness Facilities Operating Hours | Spring Break

Starting Saturday, March 7th, the following will be the hours of operation for the listed athletic/fitness venues during spring break week through Sunday, March 15th. * OWU ID required for entry* Edwards Gym/Branch Rickey Saturday, Mar 7: CLOSED Sunday, Mar…

Fire Alarm Inspections Set for March 9-13

The University will be conducting state-required fire alarm inspections and tests over spring break in many of our academic buildings. You are not required to evacuate during the tests. The work will take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.…

March 6 – Round 3 Theory-to-Practice Grant Deadline

The deadline for Round 3 of Theory-to-Practice grant applications is Friday, March 6th at midnight. You can find a link to the application and guidelines for submission on the TPG website – For assistance, please stop by the Merrick…

March 17 @ 8 pm – 400: An Afrikan Epic

Join Dr. Mark Lomax, II & The Urban Art Ensemble perform Blue In August in their 400: An Afrikan Epic performance in the Gray Chapel. This event is free and open to the public. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Music Department.…

Women’s History Month Event Calendar

This year the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the Student Involvement Office have collaborated with campus partners to create an event calendar to celebrate Women’s History Month (WHM). The WHM calendar is hosted by student organizations, offices, and departments…

Student Involvement Office Resources Available

Attention Registered Student Organizations! Did you know there are FREE resources available for you to use in the SIO?! From poster paper, paint, balloons, and much more! Visit the link to see the complete list: To use any of…

OWU Campus Store Hours for Spring Break

The OWU Campus Store will remain open for normal hours over break Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Here over break and need a snack? We’re open! Need a Coke or Diet Coke? Only place on campus you can buy…

Spring Break Hours for the OWU Libraries

Spring break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Please note during Spring Break, for the hours Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students by ID card swipe.…