The OWU Historical Collection Wants Your Coronavirus Story

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Global response to the ongoing crisis is transforming the norms by which our nations, regions, and institutions operate. Amidst all of the monumental events taking place, we believe it is important to keep sight of what is also happening at a community and personal level. Therefore, the OWU Historical Collection is asking for your help to capture a fuller picture of the pandemic’s impact on OWU and its community members across academics, student life, and campus operations.

Though completely voluntary, we invite any interested member of the OWU Community to keep a record of your lived pandemic experience. How has it affected you and those around you? What story do you want people to know about this extraordinary time? The things you observe in your life and community are unique. Everything we can collect about your experience will help us share a richer and more complete idea of what the Coronavirus pandemic was like with future audiences.

What you submit to us is entirely up to you. Diary entries, photographs, videos, anything you have created as you reckon with and document your experience of the pandemic is welcome.

To participate, please fill out this Google form with some basic information about you and how you might wish to participate:

If you have any questions, please contact Eugene Rutigliano, Curator, OWU Historical Collection at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Libraries.
Contact: Eugene Rutigliano at