Category Campuswide News & Events

An Advisory from OWU Buildings & Grounds

State-required testing and inspections for campus fire alarms and kitchen hood fire suppression systems will take place in December 2021 and January 2022.  Testing times will be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. See below for buildings affected. The alarm…

Deadline for receiving packages in Student Mailroom

Please make sure that all packages ordered are received by December 16th. Anything received after that date we can not guarantee will be processed. Any packages not processed will be held until January 3rd. The student mailroom will be closed…

Dec. 12 at 5pm – Come Hear Work By Student Playwrights!

The Playwriting class has been hard at work writing ten-minute plays this semester, and this weekend, you can come to hear them! There will be a staged reading of collected ten-minute plays by the class this Sunday, December 12th, at…

Dec. 10 @ Noon – Departmental Jeopardy!

Come join the science departments in the annual Departmental Jeopardy! Categories include everything but science. There are no single players and teams can be any size. The event will be taking place in the Science Center Atrium at noon on…

Updates Regarding International Travel / Programming

Please visit the 2021/2022 Information / Resources website at for updates on OWU Connection and IOCP programming, including study abroad and institutionally sponsored travel restrictions. Questions? Please send them to OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection Programs / International…

Dec. 10 @ Noon – Departmental Jeopardy!

Come join the science departments in the annual Departmental Jeopardy! Categories include everything but science. There are no single players and teams can be any size. The event will be taking place in the Science Center Atrium at noon on…

WinS Calendar Sale thru Dec. 10!

The Women in Science Club is having its annual calendar sale! Each calendar is $5 and contains photos from our very own scanning electron microscope! The calendar also includes scientists’ birthdays throughout the year. These would be a perfect Christmas…

Dec. 10 @ Noon – Departmental Jeopardy!

Come join the science departments in the annual Departmental Jeopardy! Categories include everything but science. There are no single players and teams can be any size. The event will be taking place in the Science Center Atrium at noon on…

Updates Regarding International Travel / Programming

Please visit the 2021/2022 Information / Resources website at for updates on OWU Connection and IOCP programming, including study abroad and institutionally sponsored travel restrictions. Questions? Please send them to OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Connection Programs / International…