Bite! Press Release

It’s official. The Bite! series details are out for all to see with the official press release from the Ohio Wesleyan University office of Communication and Marketing. The release can be read HERE. Hope to see you at the…
It’s official. The Bite! series details are out for all to see with the official press release from the Ohio Wesleyan University office of Communication and Marketing. The release can be read HERE. Hope to see you at the…
A recent article in the NIH Record highlighted Dr Walter Willett’s recent talk titled “Diet & Cancer: The Fourth Paradigm,” where he discussed the progress over the past 40 years relative to research on diet’s link to the incidence of…
We’ve added videos for some of our speakers on the Speaker Profiles page – so check them out and get a taste of what’s to come this fall at OWU!
Congratulations to Susie Lang of Delaware, Ohio who won a copy of Joel Salatin’s newest book – Folks, This Ain’t Normal. She, like many other folks, gave us a brief synopsis of why food is important to her to enter…
The schedule is filling up! Check out the new line-up here: Schedule of Events Also, click here: Speaker Profiles to learn about the various speakers and their work!
Dr. Walter Willett, Frederick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition and Chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health will be speaking on the OWU campus as a part of the Bite! series on…
Congratulations to Florence Reed on winning the Peace Corps’ 2012 Sargent Shriver Award for distinguished humanitarian service. Florence is the President and Founder of Sustainable Harvest International (SHI), and a featured speaker in our Bite! series this fall. She will…
It’s time for the mid-week Main Street Delaware Farmers’ Market – stop by today to tell us why food is important to you, and to enter to win Joel Salatin’s newest book – Folks, This Ain’t Normal. Don’t forget –…
I admit it, I am a shameless history nerd, and I got excited when I received the advance copy of E.C. Spary’s upcoming book, Eating the Enlightenment: Food and Science in Paris. As much as we think we know French cuisine…
Come on down to the Main Street Delaware Farmer’s Market this Saturday (July 8th) between 9:30am and 12:30pm, pick up some materials about the Bite! series and some great local food, and enter to win a copy of Joel Salatin’s…