- Little Free Libraries are not exclusive to our community or even the United States. According to the Little Free Library non-profit, more than 150,000 little libraries can be found in 120 countries. The purpose of these libraries is to encourage reading and book sharing among communities. The little library pictured above is located outside of a non-profit organization, Andrew’s House, in Delaware, Ohio.
- How can you donate to a little library? It’s simple! Drop off books you no longer need and feel free to take any books you’re interested in. There are more than ten Little Free Libraries here in Delaware. Check out the official little library map and visit Delaware’s little libraries! The one pictured above is at the Boardman Arts Park.
- Did you know that Sturges, the home of the English Department, was the original library on Ohio Wesleyan’s campus? So it makes sense that there’s a little library outside the building. Anyone can leave a book or take one at any of the Little Libraries in Delaware, but be sure to check out OWU’s little library.