Tag DfC

Back on The Line

Earthdance Ohio is back on the internet airwaves with its weekly radio show, Dancing for Change. Tonight it’s just getting into the dancing mood. Good things are planned for this semester, though, things like archived recordings of shows. And the…

Our last show of the season

This Thursday, April 30th, will be Dancing for Change’s last show until fall. Please join us at 9:00 PM as we say Goodbye. We’ll say goodbye to Earl, to Robbie, to a stranger, and the yellow brick road. We’ll even…

New Perspectives

This week our Dancing for Change radio show takes a look at new perspectives. April 23rd is the anniversary of both New Coke and the very first video uploaded to YouTube. We also honor the faith that makes all things…


Why is a swan most often used to illustrate grace or gracefulness? Why not a peacock? Or a heron? How about dancing humans? This week, we explored various facets of grace, from the absence of it in Lasse Pour Quoi…

Just Dancin’ Like Fools

Our Dancing for Change radio show is on the air now. This week we’re just having fun and moving our feet, keeping the beat, and repeat. Tracks by Tinariwen from northern Mali, Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd St Rhythm Band, Namasté from…

We’ve got a radio show!

Earthdance Ohio is pleased to announce and proud to support Dancing for Change, a weekly radio show on OWU Radio. This internet-only music program airs Thursday evenings at 9:00 and plays (mostly) upbeat tracks promoting peace, justice, and sustainability, plus love,…