You are OWU Recipients & Presentation

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their leadership, success and accomplishments benefiting the OWU community each month. The presentation will be Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 12:00pm on Zoom – information provided below.

The ceremony will recognize the following staff and students:
Barb Wiehe Greenhouse Spvr./Environ. Hlth and Safety OFC
Leigh Ann Emmons, Testing Center and Care Coordinator

Barb’s nominator explained, “Since March, Barb has been working with Senior Leadership, faculty, staff, and students to ensure we are being as safe as possible on campus. Barb listens to many concerns and addresses them skillfully, in a timely and positive manner. Also, Barb is working with a few others to make a self-guided tour of the greenhouse using QR codes that visitors can use to hear relevant information about the plant collection at various parts in the greenhouse. I feel safer being on campus knowing that Barb is working here.”

Leigh Ann’s nominator shared, “She is heading all the COVID testing and OWU wouldn’t be open and operating if it weren’t for her heroic efforts. Many wouldn’t have jobs, classes, etc., without the efforts of this one person this fall. She should be celebrated, extensively.”

Email Dina Daltorio ( for the Zoom invitation.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Student Involvement Office & Staff Council
Contact: Dina Daltorio at