Winners Announced – Homecoming Office Decorating Contest

Happy Homecoming Week OWU! Nine offices across campus recently participated in the “Are You Game?!” Homecoming Office Decorating Competition! While only four awards were given, we encourage you to visit all participating offices through the end of this week to see how they accepted the challenge!

The offices that participated (including their locations) were:
– Public Safety: Smith Hall Entry
– Accounting: University Hall 018
– Alumni Relations: Mowry
– Admissions: Slocum Hall
– Student Engagement & Success: HWCC 209
– Student Involvement Office: HWCC 143
– Residential Life: HWCC 225
– Information Services: Corns lower level
– The Beeghly Library: Main entry

Awards went to the following offices for:
– Bishop Pride: Admissions Office for their OWU Tailgate and Locker Room theme
– Most Creative: Alumni Relations for their OWUija Game inspired office
– Best Use of Theme: Information Services for their interactive OWU themed video games

The highest scoring office was INFORMATION SERVICES!
– Many members of their office participated in the decorating of the student service area (including the creation of a balloon bishop) and in the creation of their homecoming video games (special shout outs to students Thomas Liwosz and Brad Orzolek for their help!). You can play these amazing games with the following links:
-Bishop Blast:
– Bishop Bro:

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Homecoming Committee
Contact: michelle cecil at