TONIGHT – Rock Your LinkedIn Profile with Jimmy Sanzone ’16

LinkedIn is THE tool used by recruiters to identify job candidates. Do you have one? Is it competitive and updated?? Is your LinkedIn photo professional?? To get ahead of the crowd, join Career Connection for our annual “Rock your LinkedIn Profile” with Jimmy Sanzone ’16! Jimmy, who worked in sales for, will be here in person!

Date: Thursday, January 23;

Place: Merrick 301

Time: 5:30-7pm (5:30-6pm FREE PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOT by OWU Photographer Paul Vernon.  6-7pm Jimmy Sanzone’s presentation).

Join us for this engaging presentation, complete with FREE food.

RSVP on Handshake is highly encouraged!

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Office of Career Services, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.
Contact: mindy agin at