TODAY – Last Day to Sign up For Rock & Roll HoF Field Trip

Today is the last day to sign up for the History Department’s field trip to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame!

Tomorrow, Nov. 9, the History Department is taking students on a FREE trip to Cleveland to go to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame! Students of all majors are welcome.

We’ll leave OWU at 9:00 am and return by 7:30 pm (earlier depending on how long we stay at the museum). Transportation and a meal stipend are provided.

You can reserve a spot by emailing or by signing up at the desk in Elliott 110. Hope to see you there, and please invite your friends! Spots are limited.

More details will be sent to those who sign up.

Start Date: 2019-11-09
Start Time: 09:00AM
End Date: 2019-11-09
End Time: 08:00PM

Sign up by emailing or visiting the desk in Elliott 110.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: History Department
Contact: Gracie Clevenger at