TODAY @ 8 p.m. – Documentary Screening, Gentrification Discussion at Strand Theatre

The Strand Theatre, with interest from multiple OWU departments, is screening the documentary “On the Brink” and hosting a gentrification discussion afterward with co-director and producer Jefferey Shulman.

The event will begin at 8 p.m. today, Oct. 7, at the Strand Theatre, 28 E. Winter St., Delaware. Tickets are $7 for general admission, $6 for students/educators with valid school ID, and $5 for senior citizens.
Described as “evocative, compelling, and worth watching,” the documentary examines Seattle’s Central District, once the largest enclave of African Americans in the Pacific Northwest. Today, the once-thriving community finds its existence threatened by change that is tearing apart the social fabric of the neighborhood.
The documentary tells a universal story of the struggle to hold on to a sense of community in the face of change, and finding hope in a time of despair.
Source: University Communications