Today @ 7 – SNC Features Dr. Meredith Palmer ’11 Talking About Wildlife Biology Career

Join use today and for the rest of these upcoming Sagan National Colloquium events!
TODAY Nov. 4, 7pm (Benes) Meredith Palmer will talk about her experiences as a wildlife biologist in Africa–“Taking it to the Field”
Friday Nov. 8 7 PM (Benes) FOUR  amazing alumni will be returning to campus to talk about their careers in journalism and the current state of affairs in media and news. They’ve worked at the New York Times, Family Circle, The Center for Public Integrity, and also in environmental communications! Please help fill the room on this one! Fridays are tough I know, but this was the only feasible date.
Tuesday Nov 12  4:10 p.m., Bayley Room – we welcome writer/illustrator Martha Park ’11 presented in partnership with the English department’s Poets & Writers Series
Thursday Nov 14, 7pm Benes Cameron Hewitt, a renowned travel writer, will be on campus telling his path “from OWU to the World.”
And finally, on Tuesday November 19, 7 pm Benes, English major Joshua Mandelbaum will talk about how his career path led him to being the executive director of 826NYC / Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company, which does creative writing workshops for children!

Ellen Arnold
Associate Prof.of History