The Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program is Accepting Applications!

The Latham Entrepreneurial Scholars Program will allow a select group of students from across campus disciplines to combine classroom knowledge with real-world entrepreneurial experiences that will prepare them with the entrepreneurial mindset necessary to succeed in their chosen field.

Students selected into the program will meet with the Faculty Coordinator prior to the end of the Spring Semester to establish expectations for the following calendar year. In addition, students could receive a $500.00 stipend to help cover internships, experience, or Start-Up costs.

Selection criteria:
Students will be evaluated on the following criteria by the selection committee for admittance into LESP:
– Current freshman, sophomore, or junior in good standing
– Overall GPA of 2.0 or above
– Complete an Application with a statement of interest and evidence of entrepreneurial initiatives
– Resume
– Letter of recommendation from a faculty member or nomination by a faculty member
– Interview with a LESP committee member.

The deadline is March. 19.

Application link:

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: The Woltemade Center for Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship
Contact: Hanna Cao at