Stephanie Rowland, Coordinator of Accessibility Services, will be leaving OWU for a new opportunity at the end of this semester. Her last day will be Friday, May 27. The position is posted on the OWU website. Please contact Emily Lugg ( if you have suggestions for potential candidates.
We can’t thank Stephanie enough for her countless contributions to OWU during her five years here. One of Stephanie’s most notable accomplishments was her integral role in the development and implementation of the Bishop ACCESS program. In addition, Stephanie has supported an average of 230 students each year through academic challenges, navigating accommodations, and the many ups and downs of college life. Many parents of OWU students have commented on how she has had a profound impact on the success of their child. We wish Stephanie all the best of luck!
OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Sagan Academic Resource Center
Contact: Emily Lugg at