Starting Today: Fire Alarm, Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression, Sprinkler, Elevator Inspections

State-required systems testing will take place in December 2019 and January 2020. Testing times will be from 7 a.m. till 4 p.m. daily. See below for buildings randomly affected. The alarm visuals and strobe horns/bells will be activated as noted.

Please share this information as needed. All dates listed below are approximate.

Fire Alarm Tests and Inspections with Activation:

  • Dec. 16, Monday-Bashford Hall.
  • Dec. 17, Tuesday-Hayes Hall.
  • Dec. 18, Wednesday-Smith Hall East.
  • Dec. 19, Thursday-Smith Hall.
  • Dec. 20, Friday-Stuyvesant Hall.
  • Dec. 26, Thursday-Stuyvesant Hall.
  • Dec. 27, Friday-Spare day to finish.
  • Jan. 2, Thursday-Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, 7 a.m. start with approx. 8-hour duration.

Sprinkler Inspections with and without Fire Alarm Activation as noted: 

  • Dec. 16, Monday-with fire alarm activation.
    o   Schimmel/Conrades Science Center.
    o   Elliott Hall.
    o   Corns Building.
    o   Hamilton-Williams Campus Center.
    o   Chappelear Drama Center.
    o   Meek Aquatics and Recreation Center.
    o   Edgar Hall and 3D Arts Building.
    o   Edwards Gymnasium and Simpson Querrey Fitness Center.
    o   Merrick Hall.
    o   4, 23 & 35 Williams Drive.
    o   Stuyvesant Hall.
    o   94-110-118 Rowland Ave. and 81 Oak Hill.
  • Dec. 17, Tuesday-finish Monday run-over inspections proceed to systems without fire alarm activation.
    o   Mowry Alumni Center.
    o   Smith Hall East and West.
    o   Selby Stadium East and West.
    o   Ross Art Museum.
    o   Welch Hall.
  • Dec. 18, Wednesday-half day, complete inspections as needed.

Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression System Test and Inspection with Fire Alarm Activation:

  • Jan. 6, Monday-Hamilton-Williams Campus Center, Smith Hall, Stuyvesant Hall, Welch Hall, 3D Arts Building.
  • Jan. 7, Tuesday-Complete Wednesday inspections, all fraternities and 35 Williams Drive.
  • Jan. 8, Wednesday-Complete inspections as needed.
  • Jan. 6-8, The HWCC kitchen hood will be under repair. There may be fire-alarm activation to test the new controls.

Elevator Inspection:

This will happen Jan. 21-24 and will take approx. one hour each to perform. This will not be too disruptive and the schedule is random.

Thank you for your time and your patience as we complete this required testing.

Gregg Blume, ext. # 3410

Building and Grounds
740-368-3400 Office (ext. # 3400)
740-368-3498 Fax
740-368-3410 Electrical Shop