SOAN Fitton Prize Award: Deadline to Submit is TODAY!

This is your last chance to submit your SO-AN paper to be considered for the Emily Fitton Prize Paper Award.
DEADLINE to submit is TODAY March 26, 2021 (2pm)

Note–this award is based upon a paper written for any (OWU) SO-AN course taken either Spring 2020 OR Fall 2020.

The paper should deal with a sociological/anthropological issue.
 The paper must be from a SOAN department course.
 Paper must be from a spring or fall SOAN course in the calendar year prior to the award (i.e., SP20 or FA20 for the 2021 award).
 Honors theses are not eligible for this award.
 Minimum of eight typed, double-spaced pages.
 Paper can either be based on field research or library research.
 One paper per applicant per year. This paper can only be submitted once during the four years at Ohio Wesleyan, although the individual can submit different papers in other years.
 The paper must be submitted to the Sociology/Anthropology Office anonymously–deadline is TODAY March 26, 2021 (2pm)
Paper is to be submitted to the SO-AN Academic Assistant in Elliott Hall 211 (not to a faculty member – the faculty
judge these papers without knowing the identity of the authors).
 Award and cash prize will be presented at the end of the semester (details t.b.a.)

Sponsored by the OWU SO-AN Dept.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Sociology & Anthropology
Contact: Dawn Wright at