RUN for WCSA Office! – Info on Upcoming Elections

The Wesleyan Council for Student Affairs (WCSA) is OWU’s student government, representing the student body on-campus through participating on committees, drafting and passing legislation, allocating the student activity fee, etc.

The student body election, to elect the WCSA governing body for academic year 2021/2022 (Aug. – May) is forthcoming on May 7. More information about WCSA, the positions that will be open for election, how to run, and the election process, can be found on the WCSA Election Page at:

The intent-to-run forms that must be submitted for each position to be placed on the ballot open April 5, and will close April 23 at 12:00pm. Links to these forms will be included in future OWU Daily publications, and will also be on the WCSA Election Page, listed above.

Please talk to a current member of WCSA should you have questions about any of the positions and/or the work of WCSA. Election questions can also be directed to WCSA’s Advisor, Brad Pulcini, at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Wesleyan Council for Student Affairs (WCSA)
Contact: Brad Pulcini at