Prism Clothing Drive!

Prism, OWU’s LGBTQ+ organization on campus, is having a Clothing Drive for “Out of the Closet” Thrift Store in Columbus, Ohio.

Just drop off clothing items in the donation boxes located around campus. Donation boxes are located at: Hamilton-Williams Atrium, Welch Hall Basement, Stuyvesant Hall Lobby, Hayes Laundry Room and Thompson Lobby (near the T-Store).

What to donate: Anything without unintentional holes or stains, anything that isn’t socks or underwear, anything that does not contain symbols/designs that may be considered hurtful, racist, or hate signs.

When you shop at “Out of the Closet” Thrift Stores, you’re directly helping people living with HIV and AIDS. Ninety-six cents of every dollar collected at stores directly funds AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s HIV/AIDS programs and their new housing services, as well as on-site pharmacies and free HIV testing.

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Prism
Contact: Millie Rocco at