Panhellenic Logo Contest

Hey OWU community! Fraternity & Sorority Life will be changing their motto from ‘Be Bold, Be More, Be Greek’ to ‘Lead, Serve, Belong’. In order to achieve this, we will need a logo! This will be a friendly competition to see who can design the logo for this new motto. Unleash your creativity, using a design software program is not required..rough sketches on paper are welcome. This is a logo that will be used in many ways (ie., a shirt, a poster, the website, etc.).

The deadline will be April 21 and anyone can submit designs, you do not need to be in Greek Life in order to participate. Please submit your design to the panhellenic email which is A $25 gift card to Starbucks will go to the finalist! The finalists will work with University Communications for approval and to convert the winning logo into a vector file. If you have any questions please email the Panhellenic Council or Sonia Levin at

OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:
Contact: Sonia Levin at