The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Oct. 4 – Build a Bishop During Homecoming Week!
Oct. 4 during Homecoming Week, come on down to the JAY to support and represent your clubs and organizations by decorating a Bishop! Registration will be online before the event at Decorating will take place from 11 a.m. to 1…
Support Your Battling Bishops This Weekend!
It is another busy weekend for OWU athletics. Volleyball kicks off the weekend on Friday with two matches in the Bishop Invitational held at Branch Rickey. The first match is at 5 p.m. vs Trine and the second is at…
Sept. 18 – Crust or No Crust? i³ Knows the Recipe!
Does authentic pot pie have a crust? Find out when Chris Fink and nine other OWU faculty explore fascinating questions and big ideas at OWU’s famous i³ lectures. Arrive early to get your seat Tues., Sept. 18, 12-1 p.m. in…
You Are OWU Awards – Nominate Today
The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. The purpose of this award is to recognize a student, staff, faculty,…
Help Us Launch New ‘Student Life Calendar’
The Student Involvement Office is working to create a single calendar that shares important and fun student events in one place. Beginning today, when you submit information to the OWU Daily, you’ll be asked whether you also want to submit…
Sept. 12 – Volunteer Training for 2018 Voter Registration Drive
1,500 votes decided OH’s District 12 special election this summer. Every vote counts this November, and OWU can make a difference! Those interested in volunteering with OWU’s voter registration drive should attend a training on Wed., Sept. 12 at 4:30…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Today – Meet OWU’s International Recruiter
KC Crosby, director of International Student Recruiting, is looking for volunteers with ties abroad to help recruit new international students. Sometimes prospective students overseas just need a note from a current Bishop sharing their authentic OWU experience. KC wants to…
TODAY – Lunch & Learn with Merrill Lynch
Lunch will be provided by the Woltemade Center! Bank of America Merrill Lynch Wealth Management helps promote successful investment strategies through one-on-one advising. With a personalized relationship with an advisor, they can create a strategy specifically created for investors. Named…
Summer 2020 Camp Counselors Wanted for OWjL Camp
We are looking for male and female counselors for OWjL Camp 2020. OWjL Camp is a summer residential camp for gifted/talented students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades and held on the OWU campus each June. Requirements to be a…
Start a New Student Organization – Deadline Jan. 31
Are you interested in starting a new student organization? The application is now open and closes Jan. 31. Visit the web page: to learn about the forms and information necessary for proposing a new recognized student organization this semester. The page…
STI Testing – Health Center
For a low cost of $12.50 students can be tested for both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia at the Student Health Center. All that is needed is a quick and simple urine test. Early screening is very important because the majority of…
Study Abroad Scholarship – Gilman and Gilman McCain Program
Thinking about studying abroad for Summer or Fall 2020? Do you receive the Pell Grant? Then you should apply for the Gilman Scholarship! The Gilman Scholarship Program provides up to $5,000 (or $8,000 including the Critical Need Language Award) for…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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