The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Oct. 31 – Men’s Soccer Hosts NCAC Semifinal
Men’s Soccer will host the NCAC semifinal game against Denison University on Wed., Oct. 31. The game will be played at Roy Rike Field and kickoff is set for 7 p.m. Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for youth (18…
Voting on Election Day? You Need a Form of Identification!
We encourage all students to participate in early voting, which ends November 5 at 2 PM. If you’re registered to vote in Delaware, you can vote early at the Delaware County Board of Elections. See here for shuttle options: …
Contribute to Neuroscience: Video Gaming Survey
Contribute to the Field of Neuroscience by participating in a survey study about video gaming. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the pathological use of video games, depression, anxiety, and escapism. The link below contains…
Last Week for Early Voting! Shuttles Available!
This is the last week for early voting. If you’re registered to vote in Delaware and need a ride, we’re here to help. A full list of shuttle options is posted at . This week’s shuttles are: Tues. Oct.…
Voting Absentee? Deadlines Approaching!
If you are voting absentee, please note that in Ohio, the deadline to request an absentee ballot is Saturday, November 3 at noon, and your absentee ballot must be postmarked by November 5. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Arneson Institute for Practical…
Dec. 5 – CMLT 350 Presents: “A Semiotics of 18th Century Fashion Show”
The final event for the Department of Comparative Literature’s Text-Tiles exhibit will be “A Semiotics of Eighteenth Century Fashion Show” presented by Dr. Merkel’s class “Reason and Romanticism” (CMLT 350). If you are hungry and curious about what a “Semiotics…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Calling All Juniors and Seniors – Apply for Mortar Board
Mortar Board Senior Honor Society is now accepting applications! We are an organization made up of senior students who are highly involved on campus, serve the community, and have strong academics. If this sounds like you, apply today! Who can…
Feb. 29 – 3v3 Basketball Tournament (Register by Feb. 27)
Want to play in a 3v3 basketball tournament? Sign up at The tournament will be held Saturday at 2 pm in Edwards Gym. Register at least three players by this Thursday (2/27) at midnight in order to play. If you…
March 3 – I Love Female Orgasm
Join us at 7 p.m. March 3 in Benes B to laugh and learn about the “big O,” the most popular topic sex educators Kate Weinberg and Marshall Miller teach about! Orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders are welcome…
Athletes Needed for Research Study
A quick overview of my study is that I would like to test muscle recruitment in the quadriceps of different athletes at OWU. Participation is completely voluntary and all personal information will not be published. Before testing, participants will need…
Feb. 26 – Monthly *Beers with the SOAN Gang
Join the SOAN Gang on Weds 2/26 Noon-1PM in Elliott 304 for *ROOTBEERS and LUNCH. Guest speakers with local community organizations and Sally Leber, Director of Community Service Learning will share about working at a non-profit . OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…
Feb. 28 @ 12:10pm – Pizza and Environmental Work
This Friday, join ENVS 399 and Cria Kay in Science Center room 207 for a short presentation entitled “Urban Studies and Environmental Work: Water and Wildlife”. Cria will then answer student questions about graduate school and careers focused on the…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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