The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

TODAY – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Elizabeth Schultz

TODAY the Science Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Elizabeth Schultz from Kenyon College. Her lecture is titled “Seasonality and Environmental Regulation of Immunity: Insights from Free-Living and Captive Red Crossbills” and will occur at 4:10 p.m. in SCSC, Room 163. For…

TODAY – Personalize Your Protest with SAGE!

Come visit the Sexuality and Gender Equality House for the third annual Personalize Your Protest event! There will be a brief presentation by house member Maggie Welsh on safe and effective ways to protest, followed by an opportunity to make…

Oct. 23@ 7 p.m. – Performance: “El Merolico”

Avant-garde Mexican theater company EFE TRES presents “El Merolico” at Ohio Wesleyan. This performance is based on three Cervantes plays: “El Viejo Celoso” (‘The Jealous Old Man’ ) “El Retablo de las Maravillas” (‘The Puppet Show of Wonders’) and “La…

Oct. 23 – Science Lecture Series: Dr. Elizabeth Schultz

This week the Science Lecture Series welcomes Dr. Elizabeth Schultz from Kenyon College. Her lecture is titled “Seasonality and Environmental Regulation of Immunity: Insights from Free-Living and Captive Red Crossbills” and will occur on TUES. (NOTE SPECIAL DAY), Oct. 23…

Oct. 23 – Personalize Your Protest with SAGE!

Come visit the Sexuality and Gender Equality House for the third annual Personalize Your Protest event! There will be a brief presentation by house member Maggie Welsh on safe and effective ways to protest, followed by an opportunity to make…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

Delts Give Back (Coat Drive)

The brothers of Delta Tau Delta are having a hat/coat/mitten drive. Our chapter is responsible for providing meals to underprivileged people at St. John’s Episcopal Church (Columbus, OH) twice a year, and the plan this time is to donate warm…

Ebony & Ivory Ball Ticket Sale!

8Our second event for the Big Three for Black History is quickly approaching us. Saturday, February 22nd, will be our annual Ebony & Ivory Ball in on the 3rd floor in Merrick Hall. Doors open at 8 pm and close…

Summer Science Research at OWU – Apply Now

There’s still time to apply to do summer research at OWU. Choose from projects in Neuroscience, Genetics, Zoology, Psychology, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Computer Science, Geography, and Chemistry. See for details about projects and how to apply. Application deadline is…

Post-Graduate Teaching Opportunity in Japan

Togaku– paid internship to Japan! Are you flexible, adaptable, friendly, outgoing and a team player? September 2020-July 2021 at Toyo Gakuen University, assisting in English and culturally focused classes, participating in and organizing events, and promoting cultural awareness throughout the…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

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