The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
March 7 – AsiaNetwork Speaker Dr. Coggins: “God Mountains and Fengshui Forests”
Thanks to a generous grant from the AsiaNetwork Guest Speaker Bureau, the Department of Comparative Literature, the East Asian Studies Program and the Environmental Studies Program are excited to host a special talk by Dr. Chris Coggins of Bard College…
Feb 21 – Professor Panel with Rafiki
In honor of Black History Month, Rafiki will be hosting a Professor Panel with 6 Professors to have a dialogue about issues surrounding blackness. From topics of globalization to misconceptions, we want to open dialogue about the things that are…
Feb. 25 to March 6 – Asian Horror Film Festival!
OWU is having its FIRST Asian Horror Film Festival! There will be movies from Japan, Thailand, South Korea and Taiwan! Each film will also have a discussion, snacks according to the cultures and informational handouts of the folklore/legends in each…
Feb. 19 – Come One, Come All! French Film Lecture
Dr. Hollis Griffin is Associate Professor of Communication at Denison University. Invited by Dr. Cusato, Dr. Griffin will be speaking about the famous and intriguing French film entitled Le Genou de Claire (Claire’s Knee, 1970) on Tues., Feb. 19 from…
Feb. 21 – Life Raft Debate
Imagine a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland and the few survivors remaining are setting sail on a life raft in search of land to rebuild society from the ground up. There is only one spot remaining on the raft. A group of…
REMINDER – Work Request Submissions
As a courtesy, before submitting Work Requests, please double check that the room number where you are requesting service is correct. It can get frustrating and time consuming when there is something that needs to be fixed when the wrong…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Dance Auditions for Orchesis 20/21
What an interesting time to make and present dance! At OWU, dance continues! “Orchesis 20/21” will present site-specific works across campus over the course of three weeks between Oct. 19 and Nov. 7. These dances will be a mixture of…
Questions about IOCP & The OWU Connection?
The Merrick Mentors are back along with our IOCP Intern, Zain Amir! They are happy to answer any questions you might have about The OWU Connection and International Student Support. They will also help you schedule appointments with Darrell Albon…
TODAY! Cards Against Hypnosis!
Welcome Week continues! At 8 pm, this interactive 60-minute comedy hypnosis show allows the audience to choose/vote throughout the show on what skits they want to see the hypnotized volunteers do. Click this link to RSVP! OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Campus…
Handshake! Who, What, Where, When, Why?
Who: Handshake is for students! What: An Internship and Job Search Platform. Also used for on-campus jobs and events and fairs offered through Career Connection. Where: Sign in under Ohio Wesleyan and use your OWU Credentials. When: It’s always up and…
WCSA Special Election – Senate, Class Rep 2024, Ballot Question
WCSA will be holding a special election to fill five vacant Senate seats and elect a Class of 2024 representative. Additionally, there will be a ballot question in regards to holding a special general election in November due to the…
Looking for On-Campus Employment?
Positions are available for students! This year, all open positions for on-campus student employment will be posted through Career Connection’s Handshake Portal: If you have questions on how to access Handshake, just ask! Once you have logged in to Handshake,…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
Questions? Contact us at