The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
March 15 – Great Decisions: Refugees and Global Migration
The Great Decisions community discussion series continues with our forth lecture. Nadia Kasvin, Director and Co-Founder of US Together, a Refugee Resettlement Agency, presents “Refugees and Global Migration” at noon on Fri., March 15 at the Fellowship Hall of William Street United…
Every Thursday – What is Faith? How can I Trust the Bible?
Come join us in Beeghly Library, Room 302 for a Bible study on faith every Thursday. We’ll address questions such as: what is faith? Do I have to believe in the Bible? Do I have to be a Christian? If…
March 15 – Great Decisions: Refugees and Global Migration
The Great Decisions community discussion series continues with our forth lecture. Nadia Kasvin, Director and Co-Founder of US Together, a Refugee Resettlement Agency, presents “Refugees and Global Migration” at noon on Fri., March 15 at the Fellowship Hall of William Street United…
March 15 – Great Decisions: Refugees and Global Migration
The Great Decisions community discussion series continues with our forth lecture. Nadia Kasvin, Director and Co-Founder of US Together, a Refugee Resettlement Agency, presents “Refugees and Global Migration” at noon on Fri., March 15 at the Fellowship Hall of William Street United…
Saphir Funding Announcement
The Saphir Funds were created by a gift to the Economics Department from Joel Leonard Saphir. Any OWU student or current Economics and Business department faculty member is eligible to apply for the Saphir Funds. For a complete description of…
Spring Break Hours for the OWU Libraries
Spring Break hours for the OWU Libraries can be viewed on the libraries’ website at Please note that during the hours Beeghly is officially closed, the Bashford Lounge will remain open to students via swipe card access. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Small Project Grants NOW AVAILABLE
Do you have a signature project that you like to fund this semester? Something like an independent research project, internship or other practical experience, discipline-specific student-teacher experience, creative endeavor or performance, or a focused service-learning project? If so, consider applying…
From College to Career – Gain Alumni Insights!
Join us for a virtual panel discussion featuring recent graduates on career choices, decisions to go to graduate school, living on your own, what to expect when you start a new job and how to stay connected to OWU. Bring…
Last day to declare Credit/ No-Entry for Spring 2020 course
This Thursday, Sept. 24 is the last day students can use the online credit/no entry form to declare credit-no entry for a spring 2020 course. Please review the following site for information on this process. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Registrar’s…
TODAY, Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students
Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students every Tuesday during lunch time from 12:10- 12:50 pm virtually through zoom. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come destress for…
Sept. 24 @ 9 – Outdoor Showing of ‘Black Panther’
Res Life will be showing “Black Panther” out at the amphitheater Thursday, Sept. 24, at 9 pm. Free candy and popcorn will be provided! Face masks and physical distancing will be enforced, and space is limited to 50 students OWU…
Sept. 29 – Human Connections Information Session 12-1
Looking for an opportunity where you can gain real-world experience and make a genuine impact while interning abroad from home? Through structured projects and virtual engagement with community members, interns will support our team in executing our COVID-19 Initiatives. These…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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