The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.
Campuswide News & Events
Support the Bishops at Weekend Athletic Events!
It is another busy weekend for OWU Athletics. Men’s Tennis vs Oberlin will kick off the weekend on Fri., April 12, at 4:30 p.m. in the Luttinger Family Tennis Center. Men’s Lacrosse will also play Oberlin Fri., April 12, at…
TODAY – Pop-Up Thrift Shop @ Tree House
Stop by Tree House from 5-8 p.m. TODAY, April 12 (yes, during Rock the Block!) to check out our Pop Up Thrift Shop. Nothing will cost more than $5-6. Proceeds will be donated to Sustainable Delaware Ohio. Cash and Venmo…
2019 Baccalaureate is Looking For Student Volunteers!
Class of 2019, We are seeking your participation in the Baccalaureate Service to help us present a final, collaborative reflection of our class’s journey at Ohio Wesleyan! Are you or a group interested in dance, music, recitation or sharing your…
April 16 – History Dept. Spring Lunch-n-Learn!
On Tues., April 16 during the noon hour, Dr. Arnold will be speaking at the History Department’s Spring Lunch-n-Learn! Come on by to hear a thrilling tale about “Big Fish Stories.” What are Big Fish Stories, you might ask? Well…come…
Nominations For Zoology Student Board Now Open
Nominations for the 2019-2020 Zoology student board are now open! The Zoology Board holds important department events and serves as the liaison with faculty and administration on behalf of the students. The Zoology Board also helps to facilitate positive student-faculty…
Zoology T-Shirts For Sale!
Want to show your love for the Zoology department? Buy this year’s Zoology Department T-Shirt! There are short sleeved, long sleeved, and crewneck sweatshirts available. You can purchase them here: The last day to order them will be April 13th!…
OWU Connection News & Events
Student News & Events
Oct. 27 – Tie-Dyeversity: Come Tie-Dye Masks with HOLD and CAH
We will be providing black face masks for the first 50 attendees to “reverse” tie dye (bleach on black fabric) during the event. Attendees are also welcome to bring their own items to bleach during the event. While this is…
Internationals – Are you getting your “IOCP Bulletin”?
Important updates and other useful information particularly for international and global nomad students is broadcast through the “IOCP Bulletin.” If you are not getting now and would like to do so, please email a subscription request to OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office:…
Oct. 23 – BSU Presents Wild N Out!
Have midterms been stressing you out? Do you need a good laugh? Then come to BSU’s Wild N Out (Stuyvesant Hall & Wellness Center, Room Milligan’s Hub)! It will be the comedy show of the year! Please RSVP on IG…
Oct 29. – Meet the Divine 9!
Join OMSA and Greek Life at Meet the Greeks on Oct. 29 from 7 pm-9 pm via zoom. If you ever considered being apart of the Divine 9, this is the event for you! You will able to hear more…
Oct. 22 @ 7 – Trivia Night at Smith – In front of Beeghly Library
Trivia Night at Smith this Thursday, Oct. 22, from 7 pm to 10 pm outside the Beeghly Library. Snacks will be provided! Participate in the Trivia to win prizes, too! Bring your own blanket. OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: Residential Life. Contact:…
Oct. 27 – Q&A with Female Entrepreneurs
Join the Honors Board in a Q&A discussion on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 4:30 pm via Zoom with two female entrepreneurs from the Delaware Entrepreneurial Center! Kelly Augspurger from Steadfast Insurance and Amy Kelly from My Bookworm Box will offer…
Faculty/Staff News & Events
University Classifieds
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