The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Engage in Physical Activity & Learn More About Fitness!

Join our Exercise Is Medicine program that offers a variety of training programs designed specifically to fit your needs and goals! Get to know Simpson Querrey Fitness Center through student-led tours and learn more about how exercise can become an…

April 22 @ 6 p.m. – Hillel Passover Seder

Join Hillel for a very special Passover Seder on Mon., April 22 at 6:00 pm in the Ham-Wil Benes Rooms A and B! Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays. The seder is a great feast that marks…

April 20 @ 2 p.m. – Buy Your Tickets for Crawfish Boil

On Sat., April 20, Black Student Union is hosting a Crawfish Boil on the Jaywalk from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. There will be crawfish, hotdogs, hamburgers, kabobs, fun and much more. There will also be vegetarian options. BSU will…

Today @ Noon – Composition Student recital

The OWU Department of Music invites you to a recital, written and performed by composition students today at noon in Jemison Auditorium.   OWU Sponsoring Organization/Office: OWU Department of Music Contact: Lisa Hill at

Nominate a Deserving Individual for a You are OWU Award!

The You Are OWU Award recognizes students, staff and faculty for their success and accomplishments that benefit the OWU community and for being an exemplary leader for others. Click here to nominate today:  The selection committee prefers to recognize specific…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

OWU Intramural Trivia Night

Looking for something to do on Tuesday and Thursday evenings?! Join OWU’s Intramural Trivia Nights to win prizes. It is an opportunity for you to play against other students and test your knowledge over Zoom every Tuesday or Thursday night.…

Trouble Finding a BUS Course?

Trouble Finding a BUS course? Some ACCT and BUS courses are now listed under FIN, with the same course number, and can be found near the end of the course listings for the Economics and Business department. For example, ACCT…

Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students

Virtual Yoga for Your Mental Health for OWU Students every Tuesday during lunch time from 12:10- 12:50 pm virtually through zoom. Yoga has been shown to positively benefit mental health concerns, including stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Come destress for…

English Advising & Registration Event – Oct. 28

The English Department and English Student Board invite all students for a virtual information session and Q&A on Wednesday, Oct. 28 from 5-6pm to discuss advising, registration, and Spring 2021 course offerings. The unprecedented nature of college-during-covid and remote learning…

Q & A with Female Entrepreneurs

Join the Honors Board in a Q & A discussion on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 4:30pm via zoom with two female entrepreneurs from the Delaware Entrepreneurial Center! Kelly Augspurger from Steadfast Insurance and Amy Kelly from My Bookworm Box will…

New York Arts Program Extended Deadline!

Can’t go abroad? New York City is just as good. The New York Arts Program puts your creativity to work with a fully immersive experience in New York City, through internships, individual advising, seminars, program events, and a capstone project.…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

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