The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

April 17 @ 6 p.m. – Cooking For A Cause

Come out and cook for a cause on Wed., April 17! The HHK Cooking Matters team is hosting an opportunity to learn a few new meals, eat, have a great time and provide service from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.…

April 12 – Pop-Up Thrift Shop @ Tree House

Stop by Tree House from 5-8 p.m. on April 12 (yes, during Rock the Block!) to check out our Pop Up Thrift Shop. Nothing will cost more than $5-6. Proceeds will be donated to Sustainable Delaware Ohio. Cash and Venmo…

April 11 – Psi Chi Invited Speaker Series

The Psychology Department will be hosting the Psi Chi Invited Speaker Series on Thurs., April 11 at 4:00 p.m. in Merrick Hall, Room 301. The lectures are as follows: 1. “Voicing Leadership: Examining the Role of Vocal Characteristics in Leader…

Nominations For Zoology Student Board Now Open

Nominations for the 2019-2020 Zoology student board are now open! The Zoology Board holds important department events and serves as the liaison with faculty and administration on behalf of the students. The Zoology Board also helps to facilitate positive student-faculty…

Buy your OWU Crawfish Boil Tickets!

On Sat., April 20, the Black Student Union is hosting a Crawfish Boil on the JAYwalk from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. There will be crawfish, hotdogs, hamburgers, kabobs, fun and much much more. There will also be vegetarian options…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

URGENT NEED for Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Are you looking for a way to get involved with the community? DELAWARE MIDDLE SCHOOLERS ARE WAITING TO BE MATCHED WITH YOU! As a BIG, you will meet one-on-one each week with your LITTLE. Your goals will be to help…

Schedule appointment with the SIO SPC

Does your student organization need to purchase something? Book an appointment with the SIO Student Purchasing Coordinator(SPC) today! The SIO SPC can assist your organization in checking account funding, checking out SIO credit cards for purchases, reserving transportation, making deposits…

House Project Survey!

Hello! I am currently working on my house project and would really appreciate some help with participation in this survey! The purpose behind this project is to showcase the way that many Latin American and Hispanic cultures have affected students…

Oct. 14 – Live Animal Event!

Come join the Zoology Board on your next Bishop Break Day to see live raptors from the Ohio Bird Sanctuary! The Ohio Bird Sanctuary will be bringing two birds of prey down to OWU and talking about native wildlife and…

Healthy Tip of the Week: Get a Plant!

Each year, as the temperatures begin to cool, we are steadily driven indoors out of Ohio’s unpredictable weather. This year, rather than wishing for spring so you can be outside once again, bring the outside in. Studies show that having…

Oct. 9 – Women In Science Club Meeting!

Come gather with the Women in Science Club, virtually via Zoom, this Friday, Oct. 9 at 12:40-1:20 pm. Dr. Hankison of the Zoology Department will be talking with us! Come hang out with other students interested in science (all majors…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

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