The OWU Daily is shared by email with the Ohio Wesleyan campus community each day classes are in session. Students, faculty, staff, and emeriti with working email addresses are able to submit information for possible publication.

Campuswide News & Events

Beginning April 28 – Extended Hours for OWU Libraries

End-of-semester hours including reading and finals days for the OWU Libraries can be viewed by visiting  Updates or changes to these hours will also be posted to the hours page on our website. Please note that during the hours Beeghly is…

May 4 @ 10 a.m. – OWU Lifelong Learning Institute Sampler Event

Delaware area residents are invited to go back to school this fall through the new Lifelong Learning Institute at Ohio Wesleyan University. The classes won’t include term papers or tests, but instead will create fun, engaging ways for older adults…

Sign Up Today to Donate Blood April 24

Save a life! The Red Cross will be on campus for a Blood Drive on Wed. Apr 24 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. in Benes Rooms A&B. Make an appointment at the following link using sponsor code: OWU.  Appointments are preferred…

Black World Studies Department T-Shirts for Sale!

Show your support for the Black World Studies department by buying a T-shirt! The link to purchase them can be found here:  Short- sleeved T-shirts are $12, Long- sleeved are $15, and Crewneck sweaters are $25. The last day to…

April 24 – The OWL’s 2019 Launch Party!

The editors of The OWL cordially invite you to the launch reception for the 2018-2019 issue of The OWL, Ohio Wesleyan’s premier student and literary art magazine. The celebration, held Wed., April 24, will begin with a 12 p.m. launch on the JAYwalk (we’ll be…

OWU Connection News & Events

Student News & Events

OWU Intramural Trivia Night

Looking for something to do on Tuesday and Thursday evenings?! Join OWU’s Intramural Trivia Nights to win prizes. It is an opportunity for you to play against other students and test your knowledge over Zoom every Tuesday or Thursday night.…

Research Survey Participants Needed!

You are invited to take part in a research study examining how the pandemic has impacted anxiety, depression, and working memory in college students. We are looking for respondents 18 years or older to fill out our survey, which will…

OWU Intramural Trivia Night

Looking for something to do on Tuesday and Thursday evenings?! Join OWU’s Intramural Trivia Nights to win prizes. It is an opportunity for you to play against other students and test your knowledge over Zoom every Tuesday or Thursday night.…

MINDFULNESS Moment Drop-in Group for Students

MINDFULNESS moment is a free, drop-in, no registration necessary, group offering various mindfulness/meditation exercises bringing awareness and balance to body and mind. This is a virtual space that will meet for one hour each week on Wednesdays at noon. Please…

Faculty/Staff News & Events

University Classifieds

Questions? Contact us at